Project result

  • 1. Creation the Starry Sky !

    Every project has to have the LOGO, which usually help us understant what about this poject .

    So each partner created magic stars and pupils said what this star could do !!!

    Our common job Padlet ! It is the starry sky ! You can see different stars which flew from Greece, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Germany, Poland, Croatia, Lithuania -Kedainia, Lithuania -Kaunas and Estonia. And now they are bright  in the sky !


    2. The Coomon LOGO is made of the best LOGO of every countries which participate in the project !

    You can see amazing stars in the sky .It was difficult to choose the best in our sky ! But our team decided that these stars are the brightest   . There is the common LOGO for our project :)


    3. The stories and tales ( European Tales )  which are popular in your country , which your students like reading !!!!! We have to know what our friends like reading and tell about our favourite books, tales writers :)

    There is a Common Popplet !

    Please, click on the picture and you can continue filling it !



    4. Post Office with Christmas wishes.

    Angels and Yellow Stars were  flying to our friends:)


    Our yellow stars everywhere!

    They help people!

    Our pupils are creating about it!

    This is our common book!

    Please, read and make own book !

    We can do it:)

    What about you?



    6. Safer Internet Day . The event ' Hello! I am your friend'

    7. The International exhibition ' The constellation of Tales'