Mobility to Padova December 2019

  • Mobility to Padova 9th - 14th December 2019


    Mobility theme:  Movement

     The first project's mobility took place in Italy, at  Istituto Istruzione Superiore Pietro Scalcerle in Padua.
    The purpose of the meeting was to make students work together on subjects linked to the motion.
    During 4 days, students spited into small international groups, worked on physics activities using modern equipment and new technologies based on the Arduino board.

    Participants had the opportunity to have guided visits to the University of Padua, the "Museum of the history of physics" and the historical astronomical observatory "La Specola".
    Padua was an excellent choice to implement the subject of "Movement" because it was in this city that Galileo lectured and conducted his experiments and where Copernicus took his education. The first woman in history (the 17th century) also studied here.

    Students could learn about the rich resources of teaching aids used by physicists and astronomers from the 16th century, they even saw the preserved platform from which Galileo taught.


    Mobility programme:


    Mobility Diary:

    Padova diary


    Student's interview:

    Interview Padova.pdf


    For more intormation about this mobility you can visit the project's site:

    and the French student's site:



    Mobility dissemination:

    follow this link :DISSIMINATION

    Polish Poster pesenting the event:


    Event's presentation at Portuguese school: