Working Process

  • November:

    *Activities  introducing partners 

    * Creating of the school project teams and  international mixed teams

    * Giving introductary  seminar to students about twinspace

    * Creating the logo of the project

    * Choosing the best logo by voting

     *creating Project web page



    * Interviewing about climate change (family, street),

    * Searching  of the effects of climate and climate change on people and homes

    *The fact that the students  present their arguments in a e-debate

    * Choosing the best advocate by voting,

    * Sharing videos and presentations on twinspace and project web page,

    * Raising communication between partners through live events,

    * To ensure students  to use the forum actively through twinspace in the mixed groups of students,

    * Creating  a calendar for the new year (each month will be designed by a different mixed group,

    * preparing new year cards,



    * Writing and composing a song on “Climate and environment ((A different mixed group will write each continent, in English).

    * Writing a slogan about the project and  preparing  a poster about this slogan

    * Voting posters

    * Comments on posters in twinsapce forums



    * Mixed groups conduct research on the houses of the countries matched with their teams,

    * Preparing  short videos introducing the properties of houses,

    *Making introduction about these videos via  live event

    * Teams test their friends in mini quiz,

    * Uploading these to webpage and twinspace



    * Designing the houses where students want to live in the future. Students  can design it however they want, drawing by hand or using a digital tool.

    * "What kind of house would you like to live in?" (family, friends, close circle).

    * Sharing them  on project web page and twinspace.

    * Voting the houses models designed

    * Students are encouraged to  use the forum section actively  to share their positive comments about home models with their friends.



    * planting tree and school landscaping works are carried out to reduce the effects of climate.

    * Dissemination of the project (school board, school web page, local press ...)

    * Implementation of close environment surveys,

    * Preparing the project as a collaborative e-city collaborator,

    * evaluation of project results individually for teachers and students



    * National Quality Label application will be made.