
  • From previous contacts in European activities promoted by KA1 and KA2 actions, partners already work together and that cooperation led to look closely at the Future Classroom Lab (FCL), based on the project of European Schoolnet, that works in coordinator school and the importance of elevating creativity in learning. Therefore, all four institutions decided to put in practical way all the ideas of applying drama using the FCL, using creativity in the conception of short plays, from scripts to scenery creation, where students could be creators and embrace innovative approached to learning.
    In that way, and to battle against the weakness of basic skills lack of self-confidence and lack of school activities integration, this partnership aims to develop in their students improvements on their self-confidence, and provide them opportunities for international interaction, participation in multiple events and self-expression, and training teachers in this new role as well. Since the core values for XXI century competencies that UNESCO and EU referred in their most recent publications, are the self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management and responsible decision-making, we will develop practical activities including drama and the FCL. This project havealso the focus in teacher's training on the use of new approaches to education, on how students can be guided in learning scenarios using as main instruments/techniques drama and the six areas of the FCL, that's why students and teachers have to change and learn innovative techniques and
    methodologies in scenarios of learning, including the various edges of assessment.
    Drama and FCL are in the pillars of this project to improve our students creativity, self-confidence and basic skills.

    The main objectives are:

    O1. student's centred objectives:

    • to improve our students basic skills and self-confidence;
    • to improve pupils social skills and sense of initiative and entrepreneurship;
    • to support students school and life successes and improved levels of skills for employability;
    • to develop enthusiasm for drama among students;


    O2. student's collaboration related objectives:

    • to practice andperform sketches and plays on the stage; to encourage the learning of foreign languages and ICT skills;
    • to improve pupil's international interaction, participation in multiple events, self-expression and social skills;
    • to help students gain valuable communication and problem solving experiences;

    O3.student and teachers European collaboration objectives:

    • to develop knowledge of the diversity of European cultures and languages and its value among students and teachers;
    • to learn about European countries; to promote intercultural dialogue between different countries.