Logo contest instructions


    CEIP Herrerias, in Spain, is in charge of the organization of the logo contest.


    All the countries will send a logo which must represent the general idea of the title or references to the different subtopics of our project :

    All different, all the same

    Role models as an influence for social inclusion.

    Gender equality, Great women who made a difference.

    Inclusion of people with special needs.

    Preventing discrimination, violence and cyberbullying.

    Integration of migrants, “Respect towards other people´s culture”.



    It will be the representing symbol of our project, included in all the documents, posters, website, etc.

    It must be visually attractive

    It will be printed, take this into account when designing it, colours, etc.


    It must be in .png, or .jpg file

    and designed by computer, not hand-made.



    Organize a logo contest in your school.

     Make an exhibition with the logos, choose a winner.

    Then as it will have been done by the children, it won´t have the enough quality required to be the “official logo”. Ask a  teacher to create a “proffesional logo” using the ideas of the children.

    That will be sent to the organizer of the international logo contest.


    As we are short of time, we have to do it quickly to be used during the meeting in Spain, in November. So, 25th October will be the deadline to send the logos to CEIP Herrerias in Spain.

    CEIP Herrerias will publish the different logos and we will vote them.


    The voting system will be like in Eurovision. Each school must vote to the rest of the schools using 4 points, 3 points, 2 points and 1 point. No school can vote its own logo, you can only vote for the rest of the logos.


    The 31st October CEIP Herrerias will announce the result of the contest.


    Good luck!