Questions for the table-game

  • Questions for the table-game

    1 How many  regions are there in Italy ?

    2 How many seas is Italy surrounded by and what are their names?

    3 Which is the largest lake in Italy ?

    4 Which is the longest river in Italy ?

    5 Italy is a peninsula that is called in another way , how?

    6 In the Italian territory there are two independent states . Which are they?

    7 Who was the first president ?

    8 How many times Italy won the World Cup ?

    9 What is the name of the town with “99 fountains” ?

    10 In which region is Gubbio ?

    11 where was Francesco Totti born?

    12 How many are the provinces of Italy ?

    13 What is the biggest region in Italy ?

    14 Where is thefamous leaning tower?

    15 Who invented the "Ferrari"?