Participation in international “​Hvar - Integrating cultural heritage” Hackathon in the platform DigiEduHack

  • We participated in a hackathon event organized by our project partner from Croatia.

    DigiEduHack is a series of online and offline idea-hackathons happening all around the world during two days, focusing on co-creating the future of education at the digital age.  
    The expected outcome is to produce ideas and concepts with a high impact on society as well as ready-to-be-developped solutions.  
    There were more than 60 registered events, and only one in Croatia. 
    Srednja škola Hvar organized the event and set the challenge of implementing cultural heritage in education. There were 10 teams from schools and colleges from Italy, Greece, Northern Macedonia, Russia, Romania, Poland, two teams from Spain (Madrid and La Union) and two teams from Germany. All together there were 71 participants, 15 teachers and 56 students. The best solution was offered by the Greek team, who entered the competition for the global prize of 5000 euros.
    During the event there were online sessions with guest speakers. On Thursday directors of local tourist boards and a director of a local tourist agency presented their work, the pandemic impact on their business, local cultural heritage they promote and they discussed the challenge of cooperation with local schools at a higher level.
    On Friday there were guest speakers from local museums who presented their institutions, and focused on the importance of preserving cultural heritage and raising awareness of its importance with local inhabitants, beginning with school children.
    Participants were invited to share their ideas of digitalization during a teachmeet session.
    In the afternoon there were workshops: on Thursday a promotional video was shown, made by Croatian students. The video was made during another national project in cooperation with professional film directors. Then the participants created similar short promotional videos, focusing on cultural heritage.
    click on the photo to watch the video
    On Friday there was a culinary workshop. Croatian students created a video recipe and then participants prepared those dishes at home to taste some of Croatian traditional cuisine. Also, there was a digital workshop for creating digital posters (recipes).
    click on the photo to watch the video
    Furthermore, the workshops were registered at the European Vocational Skills Week   because we believe it is important to find new ideas to teach digital and vocational skills in this pandemic situation.


    This new acquired knowledge will be used in further activities in our project. 

    Here we have some examples of the products created by students during the workshops.