Rules for hosting and hosted parents/students

  • Tips for host parents.docx

    Tips for host parents - wersja polska (załącznik do umowy).odt




    - age of students hosted and hosting is - as much as possible - similar (+ - 2 years?)

    - parents take care of the hosted students as of their own

    - they superwise them all the time, apart from the time at school

    - students sent to mobilities have got all the medications they need, phone numbers of their teachers and parents, all the information that may be useful in case of emergency, insurance policy, an ID, dietary instructions ...

    - students are placed at carefully chosen homes of host families, well known to the mobility organiser

    - students are accommodated at the hosting student of the same gender ( we won't be able to follow this rule, what about the other countries?  Will you be able?  Our proposal is to say: We'll try to accommodate....., as we see it really difficult to find a coincidence among them ) - yes, I suspect it may be difficult at times, so perhaps - if there's no the same gender, then - at least - a brother or sister that lives at the same home?? when mixed genders - separate rooms?? Yes, when mixed genders, separate rooms and absolutely try to put in the same room the same gender.

    - in case of any kind of problem, the students know that they should first contact their teachers on mobility if they can't be helped by host parents

    - students on mobility are never put on risk for health or life

    - students are open to new experience, aware of the fact that things will be different from   what they are used to at home (eg. food...)

    - parents are supposed to provide transport for students to school and activities and back. If the parents work until the evening, what do the students do and where do they go?

    - they follow rules of the house they live in and with which they got familiar beforehand

    'When in Rome do as Romans do'

    - students cannot be punished by host parents, specially phisically, in case of problems, parents contact students' teachers 

    -Agree to respect the culture and values of both students travelling and hosting families

    - Interact with the student on a daily basis and include the student in     appropriate family activities. Is the afternoon program different for each pupil?


    - Provide each student with basic practical everyday needs such as charging the mobile battery ( we found that in an exchange the students could not charge their batteries at the host family )


    -Advise the student that they are not to visit any private area of the house, including any private bedrooms and bathrooms of other family members