MORAL COMPASS - proposals of rules

  • MORAL COMPASS - our final product


    This is the place to put any rules resulting from our project work that may fit to our MORAL COMPASS. They may be only proposals, draft versions to choose from at the final stage. They can have various forms - advice, pictures, subtitles, films etc.


    1. Twoje działania powinny wynikać z przemyślanych decyzji.

    1. Your actions should result from well considered decisions.

    2. Jestem człowiekiem, dlatego też kieruję się w swoich działaniach dobrem drugiego człowieka.

    2. I am a human and that's why I take others' people good into consideration.

    3. Pomyśl i wybierz własną drogę.

    3. Think and chooose your own way.


    4. Nie ufaj tylko zmysłom, żyj z głową.

    4. Don't trust only your senses - think!

    5. Nie sugeruj się tym co mówią i robią inni, myśl samodzielnie.

    5. Be independent - have your own opinions.

    6. Nie kłam, kłamstwo może skrzywdzić innych.

    6. Don't lie, it can hurt others.

    7. Myśl i żyj tak abyś pamiętał o bezpieczeństwie swoim i innych.

    7. Remeber about the safety of other people - think!

    8. Myśl logicznie, dedukuj, wyciągaj wnioski.

    8. Think logically, deduce and draw conclusions.

    9. Zanim podejmiesz decyzję postaraj się rozwiać wątpliwości.

    9. Consider various options before making a decision.

    10. Pamiętaj, nie zawsze twój punkt widzenia jest jedyny.

    10. Remember, your point of view is not the only one.

    11. Pamiętaj, czasami dwie osoby widzą to samo zupełnie inaczej.

    11. Remember, sometimes two people see things in a completely different way.


    12. Ognuno di noi ha il diritto di amare ed essere amato.

    12. Jeder hat das Recht zu lieben

    12. Everyone has the right to love


    13. Pensiamo, sognamo, abbiamo il diritto di vivere i nostri desideri.

    13. Jeder sollte in der Lage sein, seine Träume ohne Einschränkungen zu leben.

    13. We think, we dream, we have the right to live our desires.


    14. Non sognare la vita, ma vivi i tuoi sogni.

    14. Träume nicht dein Leben, sondern Lebe deinen Traum.

    14. Don't dream of life, but live your dreams.


    15. Credi in te stesso, ma dubita allo stesso tempo.

    15. Glaube an dich, aber zweifle gleichzeitig.

    15. Believe in yourself, but doubt at the same time.


    16. Non arrenderti mai !

    16. Gib niemals auf!

    16. Never give up!


    17. L'apparenza inganna, usa la testa!

    17. Das Aussehen täuscht. benutze deinen Kopf!

    17. The appearance are deceiving! Use your head!


    18. No podem confiar en els nostres sentits al 100x100, la única veritat és la teva existència


    19. If something is fair to you, don't expect it to be fair to others.

    20.Your morals and ethics often won't be the same as other people's.

    21. It's not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself.

    And, we have to…

    • Giocare per divertirsi

    • Giocare con lealtà

    • Rispettare le regole del gioco

    • Rispettare i compagni di squadra, gli avversari, gli arbitri e gli spettatori

    • Accettare la sconfitta con dignità

    • Rifiutare il doping, il razzismo, la violenza e la corruzione

    • Essere generosi verso il prossimo e soprattutto verso i più bisognosi

    • Aiutare gli altri a resistere nelle difficoltà • Denunciare coloro che tentano di screditare lo sport

    • Onorare coloro che difendono lo spirito olimpico dello sport

    • Play for fun

    • Play fair

    • Respect the rules of the game

    . Respect for all the people

    • Accept defeat

    • Say NO to doping, racism, violence and corruption

    • Be generous

    • Helping others

    . Have fun


    Always reach for love. Find love every day in your lives.

    Love is more important than materialistic things.

    Love yourself and accept other people.

    Do good, spread love not hate.

    Remember that love makes you happy - to love and be loved.

    Eat 5 regular meals a day, less sugar and fat, drink lots of water every day.

    Keep the balance between duties and rest.

    Exercise regularly, lead an active life.

    Choose idols and authorities wisely.