European Statistics Competition


    European statistics competition (ESC) is a kind of a competition which aim is to draw statistics closer to highschool students and make them learn how to search the official websites of statistical societies (especially EUROSTAT and DZS).

    It is held from January through May and it is consisted of two national phases and one european.

    To pass through 1st phase, students need to solve three tests of 10 questions. 1st test - general statistical knowledge; 2nd test - search through national statistics website and through EUROSTAT; 3rd test - search through statistical text that is common in all coutries that are part of ESC.

    After entering the 2nd phase, students are obliged to make a presentation based on a statistical research. 

    Those students who achieve 1st or 2nd best results immediatly enter the European phase of competition.

    One more thing, there are two categories of a competition: A for students 17-18 years old (3rd and 4th grade) and B for students 15-16 years old (1st and 2nd grade).

    High school Novska


    Our school is part of this competition since it started in Croatia, 2018.

    First two years we have managed to enter the second phase of the competition but our presentations weren't good to be among 10 most succesfull schools.

    In 2020 we have had 2 teams in second phase and one of them (ČOKSICE, B cathegory) achieved 3rd place and the audience award. But, because of covid-19 situation, one of the two best teams gave up on further compeeting, so our team entered the European phase.

    Here is their presentation:


    In 2021 we have had three teams that entered 2nd phase of the ESC. 

    B category - LUMENI - 6th palce

    A category - GR8_MATES - 16th place

                      - STATHLETES - 1st palce - they enetered European phase and

                         achieved 3rd place in Europe.

    Here are some of their works:



    STATHLETES: - video for European phase


    Link to their presentation that made them the best in Croatia: