September 20- June 21


    Duration: September 20- June 2021


    Activity: In this section, we aim to share school news such as trips, cultural events, talks, etc and also include videos to explain typical traditions of country. Beacuse of Coronavirus, Poland and Germany have not been able to participate because schools have been closed almost all the academic year. By contrast Spanish schools have been opened but no day trips have been done and only a few talks have been performed in May and June.


    Nevertheless, there are three important events that must be highlighted and they are:

    -CHRISTMAS VIDEOS: Each school has created an audiovisual Christmas card to wish all the school community Merry Xmas! Here they are:

    -EUROPASS CONTEST: The Spanish National Agency organised a contest for all schools participating in an Erasmus Project which consisted of making a 1 minute video to promote the new EU CV called Europass. Martina Vidal was very keen on participating in the proposal and she was the star of the video. It became one of three videos selected and now it is projected in the European Union social network.

    -FIRST ONLINE STUDENTS' MEETING: Because of the pandemic no exchange trips have not been organised yet and it means that students have been participating in the project for two years but they do not know each other. Therefore, teachers decided to organise an online meeting so that some students talk and share their feelings and experiences. It was a success and we are willing to continue them next year to keep communication going.