2. What is cryptography?

  • Watch the video and answer the following questions:

    1. What is cryptography?
    2. Why is cryptography important in today's world?

  • Why is cryptography important to today's world?

    Oriane says....

    Cryptography helps to share secrets...

    Lucie says...

    Cryptography is part of mathematics who helps to send over the miles a secret message and anyone can find it except the sender and the recipient .

    Noa says ...

    Cryptography is a method to exchange information secretely between the sender and the recipient.

    Franck says...

    I think cryptography is very important because if a person doesn't want to expose his or her life. She or he is not obligated.


    Cryptography is something you use if you want to comunicate with someone without somebody else to intercept and so understand the message. It has mainly been used during wars. The ciphered text is the text you get after ciphering a plain text. To get the plain text from the ciphered text, you have to decipher it and to do it you need a key.

    mona says...

    Cryptography is a way to cipher text with a key. It's for communticate with an other person without someone else to understand it. This is important to today's world because there are many wars and secrets between some countries and it's important for them to be the only ones to understand the message.


    Cryptography is a way to cipher text with a key. It's for communiate with an other person without the fact that someone else to understand it. Cryptography is important to today's world because there are many wars and secrets between some countries and it's important for them to be the only ones to understand the message.

    Nourhane says...

    Cryptography helps in war, thanks to that, we can communicate with someone without the " enemy " understanding what you write. Nowadays, it is important in communication networks.

    Tibault Pearson

    cryptography is when you scrambel the message so no one else other than the person who it was meant for, can decrypte the message with a key. It must be used a lot by the army for orders and intel


    Cryptography is the translation of a word or a sentence by a combination of random letters. There is many ways of encryption, it has decided the issue of many wars and is in the heart of today's world

    Alicia says...

    Cryptography is a good way to share a secret or to keep confidential information secret because no one can crack it

    Maya says...

    Cryptography is a good way to share a secret that no one can understand if they are not concerned... It's very difficult nowadays to keep a secret because everybody is curious and if it is on internet somebody could hack into your computer.

    Léna says...

    Cryptography is a code to lock a thing. It encrypts information. It is decisive in the war and in the heart of society. Cryptography has existed for thousands of years. It used to echange secret information.


    cryptography is important to send a secret message

    Emma says...

    Cryptography is a way to exchange a message to a secretly message.
    Crypotographis is really important for the world today because it is decisive for the war and it is the heart of the communication networks.


    cryptography is important today for sending privated information without others knowing the message


    cryptography is a box whis a lock that just the sender and the recever know the code. It s used to prevent of a person who wants to read the message in the box


    The cryptography is a way to code messages. One sentence is translate in a combination of different letters. The cryptography was really usefull during the multiple wars to not give information to enemies.


    Cryptography is a good way for hide your secret or communicate with your friends or your collegue

    Anxhelo says....

    CRYPTOGRAPHY: enable us to store and transmit information while safeguarding it from intruders. CRYPTOGRAPHY achieves this by converting data in to a different form.

    Denis says...

    Cryptography is the technique of hiding and securing data or information during transmission from one person or group to another.
    Cryptography converts information or data into an unreadable format, so it can’t be compromised or read unless you are the person it was meant for.

    Marco says...

    Cryptography is a method for protecting information through the use of codes, in these way only the persons that know how to decrypt the message are able to read it.

    Riccardo M. says...

    -What is cryptography?
    Cryptography is a method of transmitting a secret message to another person, whithout a tird person being able to intercept the message, can understand it.

    -Why is cryptography important in today's world?
    Today encryption is important because it allows you to protect sensitive information.

    Mattia z

    1)What is cryptography?
    Cryptography is a method of protecting information and communications through the use of codes so that only those for whom the information is intended can read and process it.

    2)Why is cryptography important in today's world?
    Cryptography allows people to keep confidence in the electronic world. People can do their business on electric channel without worrying of deceit and deception.

    Zanin Emanuele

    1)What is cryptography?
    -Cryprography is a method of transmitting a secret message to another person, witout a third person can understand it
    2)Why is cryptography important in today's world?
    -Today encryption is important because protect sensitive information


    Cryptography is the practice or study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties. Cryptography is about constructing and analyzing protocols that prevent third parties from reading private messages. Various aspects in information security such as data confidentiality, data integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation are central to modern cryptography.

    Thomas B

    Encryption is the process through which data is encoded so that it remains hidden from or inaccessible to unauthorized users. It helps protect private information, sensitive data, and can enhance the security of communication between client apps and servers. In essence, when your data is encrypted, even if an unauthorized person or entity gains access to it, they will not be able to read it.

    Nicola Rm. says..

    -What is cryptography?
    Encryption is one of the methods for transmitting, sending a secret message to a person, without another person being able to intercept the message and understand it.
    -Why is cryptography important in today's world?
    Cryptography is important today because it allows you to protect all sensitive information. For example, Cryptography ( end-to-end) protects the calls and messages that we send on WhatsApp.

    Cesare F.

    >What is cryptography?
    Cryptography is the science that studies the methods
    to hide a message to make it incomprehensible to unauthorized people to read it.
    It converts data from a readable format into an encoded format that can only be read after it has been decrypted.

    >Why is cryptography important in today's world?
    Cryptography is a fundamental tool to protect data, stored or in transit, from unauthorized access.


    1)What is cryptography?
    The cryptography is a secret conventional writing, decipherable only by those who are aware of the code.

    2)Why is cryptography important in today's world?
    The cryptography is today important in the telecommunications sector and in applications that require high protection of the data they contain. The cryptography also serves to protect the transmitted data by preventing it from being altered or stolen by attackers and to authenticate a user.


    Cryptography is a way to decrypt a text with a "secret" key. It is used to communicate with another person without someone else understanding the message.
    Cryptography is important because it maintains the confidentiality of a message to those who only have to read it to avoid unexpected events. It is used as a means of communication in places of war.

    Riccardo don

    What is cryptography?
    Cryptography is the study of secure communications techniques that allow only the sender and intended recipient of a message to view its contents.
    Why is cryptography important in today's world?
    Cryptography is an important way of achieving data confidentiality, data integrity, user authentication and non-repudiation.


    1)What is cryptography ?
    cryptografhy is a method of protecting information and communications through the use of codes.

    2)why is cryptography important in today's world?
    cryptography is very important for us because it help us to comunicate with another people fare aweay from has without leting other people know what we send to each oher

    Edoardo Band.

    1)what is cryptography?
    Cryptography is a method of protecting information and communications through the use of code.

    2)why is cryptography importan to today's world?
    cryptography is very important for us because it help us to comunicate with another people fare aweay from has without leting other people know what we send to each other.

    Mattia Nogarotto

    1. What is criptography?
    2. Why is cryptography important in today's world?

    1. Criptography is a conventional secret writing decipher able only by those who know the code.
    2. Criptography is important for data protection in the company.

    Jacopo says

    Conventional writing secret, decipherable only by those who are aware of the code

    Jacopo says

    Encryption is now important in the telecommunications industry and in applications that require high data protection. Encryption also serves to protect transmitted data by preventing them from being altered or stolen by attackers and authenticating a user


    1)What is cryptography?

    encryption is a method of protecting messages that we don't want to be read. cryptography was used extensively in the military to exchange information without being discovered by enemies.
    2)Why is cryptography important in today's world?
    With the spread of the network and the exchange of files and messages via e-mail, you are subject to risks, especially these can be intercepted by other users or hackers who can get hold of personal data and files. It therefore becomes important to protect sensitive data from third parties and protect yourself securely, which is why encryption is very important nowadays.

    Alessandro C. says...

    ●What is cryptography?

    Cryptography allows the transmission of secret messages to some people, without a stranger being able to intercept or read it

    ●Why is cryptography important in today's world?

    Cryptography is very important today because it allows us to protect our sensitive data from people who use it bad.