

    Ecco alcuni dei nostri lavori !




    Bonjour !! Hello everybody!

    Nous ,on commence le 10 septembre. notre message sera écrit en Italien, Français et Anglais !

    Je remercie la prof Salvati pour son adesion au projet!!

    We start school on september the 10th. Our message on the postcard will be in Italian, French and English!

    Thanks to Prof Salvati for joining the project!

    Best, Anna


    First of all, I  want to  thank , with all my heart,  our students for their  fresh and great participation!

    I  also want to say thank you to profs Avagliano Rosa, Salzano M.Pia, Crisafulli Carla (Italian teachers) and above all ,to our principal Mister M. Cirino.  We had a very  beautiful day!!!

    Tout d'abord je dire un grand merci  à nos élèves pour leur belle et vive participation.

    je veux remercier  aussi mes collègues Avagliano R, Salzano M.Pia, Crisafulli Carla (profs d'italien) et surtout notre principal M. M. Cirino. On a passé une très belle journée !!!


    We have made our exhibition in the "Aula Magna". The students made flags of every European country. They exchanged greetings in some languages such as French, English,Greek, Polish, German and so on. They also prepared some PPt on the EU and his history, with their Italian teachers as well as they declamed "Il Cantico delle creature "by Saint Francis and "l'Indovinello veronese": the first documents of Italian language(volgare).
    The most touching moment was when they paraded with flags on the Beethoven's nine sinphony notes: it was a really beautiful thing!!!
    Please have a look of it on Italian page .Thanks.

    - Posted by Anna Torino, 11.10.2015