SeA C2 Virtual Meeting

  • SeA C2 Virtual Meeting

    Schedule - Timetable

    Monday 22 Nov 2021   

    Ice Breaker

    Project status: Where we are, what should we do?

    Arduino Intro: PPT presentation - Use of virtual Arduino circuits – Tinkercad

    Arduino workshop #1: Blinking Led - Use of Photoresistor

    Ecological footprint activity

    Quiz: The most effective ways to curb climate change might surprise you

    Tuesday 23 Nov 2021

    Arduino workshop #2:Temperature sensor DTH11- Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) 

    Arduino workshop #3: Ultrasonic sensor  - Servo motor + Buzzer + Potentiometer

    Resume: What should we do/use in our project?

    Wednesday 24 Nov 2021

    Submarine construction - 3D modelling: What we have done till now, proposal of a new approach, easy to construct and apply

    Test your knowledge about climate change: Kahoot Quiz Game

    Climate change Activity - Mentimeter + Web presentations

    1. Seven things to know about climate change  (NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC)
    2. What’s really warming the world? (Bloomberg Businessweek)
    3. Climate Time Machine (NASA)
    4. How much hotter is your hometown than when you were born? (New York Times)

    Waste collection activity: Short presentation of “Adopt a beach” WWF program in Greece

    Group mixing: Awareness-raising newsletter, feedback from the conference etc.

    Resume: Questions – Evaluation of the meeting


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