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    Dilek Aydın

    Feride Ahmet Şener Secondary School/ Natıonal Educatıon Websıte News

    Christmas Fine Arts collaboration, School year 2019 - 2020

    3rd Primary School of Maroussi, Attica, Greece. Theodora Chandrinou and the pupils disseminate Christmas Fine Arts collaborations realized in the frame-work of the projects. School year 2019 - 2020.

    54th Primary School of Piraeus
    Abadias Primary School - Escola Azul /Blue School - inauguração, in Diário de Coimbra News Paper

    Abadias Primary School - teachers, and students ambassadors promove literacy of ocean.

    Abadias Primary School -Polar Week in Abadias, In Diário de Coimbra News Paper

    José Xavier, scientist most closely connected to Antarctica was with students at Abadias Primary School.

    3rd primary School of Maroussi, Attica, Greece - Theodora Chandrinou - "Change the climate, become active citizen"

    3rd primary School of Maroussi, Attica, Greece and 4th Primary School of Amaroussio, "Zekakio", Greece.

    3rd primary School of Maroussi, Attica, Greece - Theodora Chandrinou

    Dissemination of the project results through the educational web site of the Greek School Net.https://blogs.sch.gr/arteducate/2020/03/23/quot-2c-with-stem-change-climate-with-stem-etwinning-project/

    Theodora Chandrinou - 3rd primary School of Maroussi, Attica, Greece

    We used padlet as the interactive ICT tool for the best communication among partners, Teachers, pupils and their parents.

    54th Primary Achool of Piraeus
    The blog of the project


    3rd primary School of Maroussi, Attica, Greece - Theodora Chandrinou

    Dissemination of the project results!
    Through you tube video we shared the results of the great collaboration we had!