• The project "Common History Among Us" is a school partnership that will be conducted by six countries.  During the project, the main aim is educating students to be positive and open-minded towards other cultures searching the roots of European Culture and Knowledge, its evolution periods and contributions made by several scientists and philosophers from different cultures and nations.

    By highlighting the fact that European culture and knowledge is a common product that has been created with the efforts of different cultures, we want to promote one of Europe Union's most important priorities and aims; European togetherness which is the only way to succeed and get over the current and possible problems.
    To reach this aim, we have planned our project as 2 steps. The first step includes some challenges that will serve as a warmup for the Erasmus+ project and also, will make students search, learn and create some materials about the periods that European culture has passed, such as

    • - searching how the ancient civilizations regarded the sun and solar eclipses
    • - preparing cards that important scientists and philosophers from different times (especially Andalusia and ancient Greek ) send each other to celebrate each other for their works
    • - calendar for important travelers and maps
    • - studying the Vitruvian Man
    • - studying a poem on the Industrial Revolution

    And the second step is our Erasmus+ project aims to widen the effects of our etwinning project. Our students will face challenges that make them discover the roots of European culture and knowledge working step by step; ancient civilizations, ancient Greeks, Andalusian Scientists, Geographical Discoveries, Renaissance and Industrial Revolution. Before all steps, students will make searches about the topic and turn the information into a product using technology and share it with their peers. And also, in all steps, we have planned activities that will develop their creativity, collaboration, communication and working as a team because, according to our questionnaire, our students regard these skills as the most necessary ones to be more employable in Europe that has  %14 rate of unemployment among young people.

    Also, these steps have been planned to make our students


    • - feel the atmosphere in which the scientists and philosophers worker
    • - find out the contribution of their national scientists and philosophers into European culture
    • - have a more developed feeling of respect and tolerance towards the others
    • - have a more developed artistic and creative vision
    • - develop a more positive attitude towards history lesson which is regarded as a just lesson by most of our students
    • - understand terms life-long learning and learning by living
    • - meet and learn Web 2.0 tools and 3-D printers which have not been used by % 90 of students

    And also, this project will be a chance for our teachers to meet new cultures, learn new methods, refresh their motivations and develop their communication with students