Learn our languages

  • In the videos below we will teach you the basics of our languages: German, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian and Welsh. Just play the videos below, listen and learn how to say

    1. Hello/Good morning!
    2. How are you? I’m fine
    3. What’s your name? My name is…
    4. Please and thank you
    5. Excuse me / I’m sorry
    6. I like… / I don’t like…
    7. A tongue twister
    8. The longest word
    9. Local specialty (food)


    ...and sing a local popular song


    The videos will be posted by the end of December 2019. Stay tuned!

  • The language lessons

    A Short Survivor's Guide to Speaking Hungarian
    Quick overview of how to speak Finnish

    If you want to learn some Italian, here you are

    Meeting Austria