Drvodjelska tehnička škola Vinkovci

  • European day of languages 2019.

    "Many countries - one future"

    On 27.9.2019. Wood processing technical school Vinkovci took part in a public manifestation in Vinkovci to celebrate European Day of Languages.

    Our school represented Ireland. We prepared photos in order to show the beauty of Ireland and activities for visitors:

    * unjumbling the letters to get the correct words (days of the week)

    * pronouncing the longest place name in Ireland (Muckanaghederdauhaulia)

    * sorting 10 biggest cities in Ireland by size

    * Fun Facts Box (a box full with scrolled pieces of paper, on each paper one fun fact about Ireland was written and every visitor got to pick one and keep it)

    * coloring pages with shamrocks and Lepricon for the youngest visitors...

    Our students made some wooden shamrocks and small hats (as key pendants) with ladybugs on them and each visitor that solved our activities got one as a reward.