Lower your carbon footprint kahoot

  • How do you lower your Carbon Footprint?

    Do you remember the questions in the preparatory worksheet for the Carbon Footprint Calculator? There were many questions because there are many activities which impact the environment and have a bad effect on climate, so...

    here are the preparatory worksheet questions:


    A. Distance traveled going out with friends per week (km or miles)

    B. Distance traveled for shopping, sports, extracurricular activities per week

    C. Distance between your home and school          (km or miles)

    D. If a personal vehicle is used for A, B, and/or C, what is the fuel efficiency of that vehicle (in liters/100km or in miles/gallon)

    E. Flight information for the last year


    Home and appliances

    A. Size of your home in square feet or square meters

    B. Number of months per year the heat is used in your home

    ...C.Fuel used to heat your home (e.g.,gas,electricity,wood)

    D. Average temperature (in °C or °F) you keep your home at in winter

    E. Number of months per year the air conditioning is used in your home

    F. Average temperature (°C or °F) you keep your home at in summer

    G. Number of incandescent, LED and fluorescent light bulbs in your home and the approximate number of hours used per day.

    H. Type of water heating system in your home (e.g., gas, electric, solar, etc.)

    I.  How many minutes is your average shower time?

    J.  Approximate volume of trash generated in your home per week



    A. Approximate caloric intake per day             

    B. Amount of each of the following that you eat per week:                   

    #Eggs (number /week)


              *litres of milk/week  

              *grams of cheese/week                    

    #Vegetarian meals (number of meals/week)

    #Fish or chicken (number of meals/week)

    #Beef (number of meals/week)

    #Pork (number of meals/week)

    C. What proportion of your food is locally grown?

    (most / some / none / I don't know)

    D. What proportion of your food is organic?

    (most / some / none / I don't know)




    A. Buying clothes (new/used and frequency)

    B. Buying water in plastic bottles (number and frequency)

    C. Reuse of plastic bags/cloth/paper bags for shopping

    D. Purchase of electrical appliances (frequancy and number)

    E: Recycling/reusing waste materials: glass, plastic, paper and tin/alluminium



    Now how would you tell someone how to have a low Carbon Footprint?


    Let's first ask them the right questions! Go to the Kahoot question forums and make up questions for each section of the Carbon Footprint Calculator


    The final Kahoots prepared: 

