Results of the Surveys

  • The Results of the Project

    Teachers' Opinions

    According to the teachers, communication and collaboraiton between the partners are good. They find to Scratch and Tinkercad are useful. They learnt new tools and technology (%83). Other results about teachers' opinions are below:


    Parents' Opinions

    The following findings were reached by evaluating the survey results made to the parents:

    1. 83% of parents stated that with this project their children's computer skills were improved.
    2. 88% of parents stated that with this project their coding skills of their children improved.
    3. 94% of parents stated that with this project, their children's 3D design skills improved.
    4. 83% of parents stated that they want their children to participate in the etwinning project next year.
    5. 77% of the parents stated that their children improved their group working skills.





    Students' Opinions