Extreme Weather

  • What extremes of weather have you experienced in your country in the last 12 months?


    Kenya: following report from Peponi House School in Nairobi

    We have had some extreme weather conditions in the last few weeks. 

    A few months ago we had flash floods in Hell's Gate in Naivasha where 6 lives were lost. More recently (in the last few days) we have had torrential rainfall (Friday night we received 3 inches of water in one night). Due to the heavy rainfall we have had landslides in NW Kenya with fears of 120 lives lost. Rivers have burst their banks and flooded urban areas creating quite a lot of havoc in town area where a few cars have been washed away. The downpours caused flooding and mudslides that swept away four bridges and left many villages inaccessible by road. One teacher last week could not leave her compound as it was flooded and on Friday night our school fields looked like a river! 

    We also had quite a serve drought at the beginning of this year. It has been quite a roller coaster weather wise for Kenya!!


    Jordan: following report from a Jordanian school

    The weather in Jordan at this time of the year hasn't been the same as it used to be in previous years. It used to be rainy and cold , but until this  day it has rained only once in November. 



    In Coimbra, the summer is warm, dry and almost cloudless; winter is cool with precipitation and partly cloudy skies. Throughout the year, the temperature generally ranges from 4 ° C to 28 ° C and is rarely below -1 ° C or above 35 ° C.

    In https://pt.weatherspark.com/y/32332/Clima-caracter%C3%ADstico-em-Coimbra-Portugal-durante-o-ano#Sections-Summary (10.12.2019)


    Folkestone - England

    In the South East of England we had a heatwave in July and at the end of August with temperatures for several days reaching 30+ degrees, the hottest on record.

    The newspapers wrote:

    The summer heatwaves of 2019 resulted in almost 900 extra deaths, according to statistical analysis from Public Health England.

    Over the past four years more than 3,400 people have died early during periods of extreme temperature in England. Global heating is increasing the frequency of heatwaves and a cross-party committee of MPs warned in July that the UK was “woefully unprepared” for this impact of the climate emergency.

    See report from the Uk Met office;
