Maltese Students Introduce Themselves

  • Students

    Michela Portelli

    Hi I am Michela Portelli, I am from Malta. My sport is swimming and I like to participate in similar opportunities where I can meet different students who like me have sport at heart.

    Kai Azzopardi

    Hello my name is Kai Azzopardi. I am 13 years old, iI live in Hal Ghaxaq. I am in my third year of secondary. I have been doing Triathlon since 2014 therefore this is my fifth year. My hobbies are going out with my friends especially to go play football. my favorite types of movies are of the genre "Adventure"

    Nathan Bonavia

    Hi to all, I am Nathan Bonavia. I am 13 years old, I am in my third year of secondary school. My sport is Waterpolo, I have been training for the past 7 years and I am so willing to learn more about different sports and meeting other students.

    Sarah Sciberras

    Hi I am Sarah, I have been training in Basketball for the past 4 years and I am so keen to learn more about more techniques. I am in my 2nd year at the National Sport School.

    Julian Valletta

    My name is Julian, my sport is waterpolo. I train everyday, waterpolo means a lot to me. I am in my 3rd year at the National Sport School. I am very much looking forward to see other sport schedules in different places and to learn more about this project which affects our everyday training along with other team players.

    Gabriel Bonavia

    Hi I am Gabriel, I am the twin brother of Nathan Bonavia. I live in Kappara, San Gwann Malta. I also do water polo as my sport specialization. I also like watching football as a sport. I am looking forward to meet new sport students like me.

    Jada Said

    I am Jada, I practice basketball as my sport, I also do fundamental sports during our weekly schedule at the National Sport School. I also like languages and I am looking forward to this experience to learn more about tolerance in sport.

    Matthea Grech

    My name is Matthea, I am a gymnast. I do train everyday, gymnastics as a sport means a lot to me. I am looking forward to learn more about my sport techniques and also about this opportunity to learn more about this project. I am in my 2nd year at the National Sport School, Pembroke.

    Kaya Leonardi

    Hi my name is Kaya, I am 12 years old. My sport is gymnastics, I work hard to achieve better results. I can't wait to meet new sport students and see how sport is being taught and offered in different schools around the world.

    Julian Scerri

    Hello my name is Julian Scerri, I am 12 years old. My sport is squash. I am in my 2nd year at the National Sport School. I am also part of the Students' council committee. I am looking forward to meet new sport students like me.

    Shaun Sciberras

    Hi I am Shaun Sciberras, my sport is football. I play with my team and also do training with my school at the National Sport School. I live in the sister island of Malta which is called Gozo, it is a small island. I am happy to participate in this project.

    Sofia Cristauro

    Hi my name is Sofia, I do rhytmic gymnastics. My sport requires intensive hours of training. It is my second year at the National Sport School. I am very much looking forward to partiicpate in this project to learn more about tolerance in our sport.

    Zoya Carabott

    Hi my name is Zoya, my sport is Triathlon. I am 12 years old, I am looking forward to participate in this opportunity where for sure, we are going to learn a lot and meet new students and people who like us sport is their strength.

    Elise Camilleri Langfield

    Hello to everyone!

    My name is Elise, I am 12 years old and I am a rhythmic gymnast. I live in the North of Maltese Islands. My sport is very important for me and I am so excited to embark on this opportunity in this project