Description of the Mobility


    From Local Identity to Global Integrity

    My country and Europe


    The Mobility began with virtual meetings with each of the partners and students.
    During the week we focused our programme on introducing each other, working withpre-mobility  activities (Stereotypes) having competitions and games as City Treasure Hunt, Collective Kahoot, Europeana story-telling.
    During these international group work we tried to understand the different things that define a person’s identity then we wrote bio-poems. We also tasted some stereotypical food from each country.
    We had a Cultural City Hunt - walking tour in Budapest - they had a handout with clues prepared by Hungarian students. They form groups and compete to win the Hunt. While walking and during the first part of their stay, the students take photos of different places, objects, situations, phenomena that resembles or differs from their home.
    To pondered about our global citizenship we visited the local communities, a scientific museum (CSOPA), a traditional Hungarian factory (Zwack Museum) and also the Mayor of the 2nd district, Mr. Gergely Őrsi, welcomed us in his office and delivered a presentation about the work the council does in the area.
    The students and teacher took part in several CLIL lessons: Chemistry, Geography and History doing experiments and group work also had fun together in the Aquapark.
    The mobility included working with the traditional Hungarian crafts and heritage. We beaded jewellery, felted ball.bells and had ”Táncház” Hungarian Folk Dance night.
    During the Cerificate ceremony and Farewell dinner they wrote some nice memories and shared their contacts in the Memory Booklet.