Create A Project Logo Activity



    This activity will take place at the Erasmus+ day in Finland.

    All participating students from different schools, will be added to mixed groups.

    Each group will work together to create a logo that will represent the logo of our eTwinning Project. The teachers are supervising and are there to help where needed.

    The students are free to choose if they want to make the logo via a digital tool or via an analogue tool (drawing). If they make a drawing, the drawing has to be scanned or a picture must be taken. That way, the logo can also be digitalised.


    Before this activity will take place, the students need to have an introduction about how a logo is correctly made / what a logo actually is. This introduction will take place before the activity in Finland. So the teachers need to give this info in advance to their students.


    Once all the logo’s are finished, a voting session will take place. All the logo’s will be uploaded  on the same day when they are created (in Finland) on the website “Tricider”.


    This is a voting site. All students will on their favourite logo (they can’t vote on their own logo). The logo with the most votes wins and will become the logo of the eTwinningproject.

    In case of tie Ashley, Vincente en Stéphanie will have the final decision.