Mobility to Spain

  • Here is the survey for the teachers:


    Here is the survey for the students:


    Here are the results:

    For students:

    SPAIN MOBILITY STUDENTS - Formularis de Google.pdf


    For teachers:

    SPANISH MOBILITY TEACHERS - Formularis de Google.pdf




    During the Erasmus week that took place in our school, Institut de Camarles, we did lots of great activities. The aim of this report is to show the answers of the survey we did on the last day to evaluate the mobility.


    First of all, most of the students enjoyed the hotel and rated the stay with a very good, but there are also many good or neutral answers. 


    In the second question, the sports one, over 50% of the students liked the activity and rated it with a 4. Less than 50% are mostly 3 or 2.


    Continuing with the activities, in the question about water analysis where the students were asked about if they learned something about it, approximately 65% of the students answered with 4 and 3 meaning that they did learn something about it.  


    On the other hand, in the water waste one, most of the pupils rated the activity with 1 or 2, but even so, the average answer is 3. 


    The students that attended the trip to Mon Natura rated the activity of green filters with a 4 out of 4, and only 3 students rated it with a 1.


    Approximately 95% of the students enjoyed visiting Tarragona and rated the trip with a 4 or a 3.


    According to the majority of pupils the welcoming was very good, since most of them rated it with a 5 out of 5 or a 4. 


    The activities in general were loved by the students and over 70% of them rated it with a 5 or a 4.


    The trips were by far the most enjoyed activity and approximately 60% of the students voted for visiting Tarraco or Tortosa as the best activity. Surprisingly an activity that was also very well rated is Green city and 3D printing. The least enjoyed activity was online poster.


    Finally, most of the pupils loved their stay in Spain and rated it with a 5, nearly no students rated it with less than a 4 or a 3.


    In conclusion we can say that a large number of students enjoyed their stay and the activities planned. I’m sure it was an amazing experience for most of them and they had a really good time here in Spain.