Challenge 2 and 3 - The virtual visit to our countries


    Let's visit the countries from our project! Have a look at Google map and have a virtual trip using the map. We will learn flags as well!

    The challenge 2:

    Add your town to the map.


    Open the link:


    Find your town using the browser. Click "Add to map". Chcange a stule of the marker by clicking on it.

    Click: "STYLE" -"MORE ICONS" - "CUSTOM ICONS" - choose the flag of your country.

    If you have any problems conntact with the project founder, eg.


    The challenge 3:

    Go to the map of our project and go on a virtual trips using Google maps. Add on the TwinBoard below places from other countries that you like.

    OUR MAP:


    Cecelia in Ireland:  Just to let you know.  Our local Google Streetview hasn't been updated since out school was built ten years ago so you can't actually see it on in the photos!  If you go to,-6.2060043,3a,75y,206.87h,94.27t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWMwCYjiOrvwSTIxRbaLMug!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 you can see the old prefab buildings we used to use!   

  • The places from other countries that we like