Agrupamento de Escolas de Rates - Portugal


    The Agrupamento de Escolas de Rates has been involved in a solidarity movement, collecting food items throughout the month of Christmas.

    The 6th graders A and D decided to work on the first two goals of "No Poverty" and "Zero Hunger" and creating a movement of generosity and sharing with the poor. Everyone could be part of this initiative and help to end these global problems. We started with those close to us!

    This solidarity movement has resulted in the filling of 23 baskets that will be delivered to needy families in our educational community.

    In the facebook page of our school we showed all this work.




    It's Christmas time, and we want to share our wishes to all our we sent to them some of Christmas cards...  

    ...and that was news in social media, in the  school facebook page!


    ...and we received Christmas cards of our eTwinning partners all over Europe! Merry Christmas to all of you!

      In the month of Christmas, when we think much more about those we love and those who don't have the least to be happy, we decided to work on the first two Sustainable Development Goals - Eradicate Hunger and Eradicate Poverty - and wanted to move beyond theory to practice and we ask the help of everyone in the School Community to collect food to give to those who need the most!


    Our projet was news on the facebook page of our School Library!

    We decided to present the project and the students work in an exhibition on the Worlds United Nations Day!


    During the Pandemic Covid-19, our project was news on the facebook page of our School Library! In the end of the project students wanted to show their best wishes for our Planet! And the result was so beautiful...such a lovely wishes like hapiness, freedom, solidarity, love, joy, equality, peace, health, hope...