Christmas Traditions in Our Country

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    I have upload a video of Christmas in Alcoy.The Parade of the Three Wise Men is one of our most important events and it is the oldest in Spain.

    Just six days later comes the most magical moment of the year, especially for the little ones. On 6 January they get their presents from the Three Wise Men. In Spain it is Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar who bring Christmas presents to children who have been good during the year. After writing a letter, in which they tell the Kings which presents they would like, the long-awaited day finally arrives. The Wise Men parade through the streets of cities, towns and villages all over Spain in traditional cavalcades. Their camels loaded with presents, they go through the streets handing out sweets, accompanied by their royal pages. Little by little the colourful floats go by, entertaining all the family. Of all these parades, the one in Alcoi, Alicante, is particularly outstanding - it is Spain's oldest. When night falls, children go to bed early to wait for Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar to come in through the window and leave presents in their shoes.


    Tió de Nadal  Western Catalan: meaning in English "Christmas Log"), also known simply as Tió ("Trunk" or "Log", a big piece of cut wood) or Tronca ("Log"), is a character in Aragonese and Catalan mythology relating to a Christmas tradition widespread in Aragon and Catalonia. A similar tradition exists in other places, such as the Cachafuòc or Soc de Nadal in Occitania. In Aragon it is also called Tizón de Nadal or Toza.

    A song is sung during this celebration. After hitting the tió softly with a stick during the song, it is hit harder on the words Caga tió! Then somebody puts their hand under the blanket and takes a gift. The gift is opened and then the song begins again. There are many different songs; the following are some examples.

    "Caga tió,

    caga torró,
    avellanes i mató,
    si no cagues bé
    et daré un cop de bastó.
    caga tió!"

    shit, log,

    shit nougats (turrón),
    hazelnuts and mató cheese,
    if you don't shit well,
    I'll hit you with a stick,
    shit, log!