Presentation tools - pros and cons

  • Dear students, 


    please use the Twinboard to give your feedback: What are the pros and cons of each tool for presentations? 

    We uses these tools:

    mp3 presentation

    typing in a text

    writing a text with your hand and taking a picture of it

    creating a stop-motion movie with Lego

    using to create a comic

    using kahoot to create a quiz


    using mysimpleshow

    using powerpoint

    Use these categories:

    ==> how easy is it to use?

    ==> how good is the result?

    ==> how expensive is it?


  • Post your feedback. Give your name, city and country please!

    Mr Fischer, Hannover, Germany

    I find it really hard to assess this. What I like about storyboardthat is that you students do not need to give your pictures. I love "mysimpleshow", but I don't like it that you cannot use all the voices for free - you need to pay for extra content. I also find that the mp3 presentation was really effective. Another favourite for me was Ben's stop motion movie. It needs a lot of time to do it, but I think it was soooo worth it.
    What do you think, guys?

    Janna from hannover

    I think the stop Motion with Lego is very cool, but you need to spend lots of time on it! Its very difficult to shoot a Video with Lego, because you must took a lots of pictures. Tipping in a text is very easy, but ist is not Creative. I use Storyboard because it is Creative and exiting. You can tip in a Text and use different Charakters.

    Helena, hannover, germany

    I think to recording a mp3 is easy to use and it gave a good to realy good resulation but it isnt expesiv. To made a story board isnt so easy but is it verry funny. The resulations are verry good and it's expensiv to create a storyboard. To create a Lego motion is the expensivst presentation and the resulution is are verry verry good but it isn't easy to use it.

    Sara, Hannover

    I think the stop motion movie with lego is very difficult and the result is very very good and I think it needs much time to do this. To record a mp3 is really easy and thats why its not so exiting. To do a storyboard is also very cool. The result is very good and theyre are very much informations. I think the lego movie and the storyboard are the best presentations.

    Alexei. Hannover

    i think the movie with lego is really difficult and need a lot of time, but the resulotion is amazing. its really exciting to create new caractores . i really like my simple show ,but a few things aren't free. i think the easiest way is mp3 because it needn't a lot of time and its free, storyboard is really funny but its expensive.


    I also think that the stop motion is very cool but its take to much time .
    Write a text is easy and its realy fast to finish the text but it has no fantasy.
    Storybord is my favourite tool because you have fantasy in it and you also can write a text.
    You can put creative things in it and its fun to mak it.
    I think the storybords are the best presentations.

    Ghazal, Hannover, Germany

    I think Ben‘s stop motion movie was my highlight. He spent a lot of time doing it, but it‘s very creative. I think it isn‘t easy at all to use it because you have to work with a special program and you must take a lot of pictures, but it‘s worthwhile. I also liked “my simple show”, but you are allowed to use some features only, if you pay for it. But you can also get good results with the features you don't have to pay for. You can create movies there very quickly and easily. And at last, but not at least the learning app. It was free and you can create a lot of different quizzes because you have many choices. All in all, all the tools were very good.
    Best Greetings
    Ghazal from Germany


    I think the text writing method is very easy not so time consuming.The result is good but not so nice.I think the lego stop motion method is very time consuming and i think its very difficult to took so many pictures but the method is very cool.

    Karl, Hannover

    The Lego stop motion is extra ordinary. It was a lot of work to create the story with Lego pieces. It was very nice to watch it and the discription fits very well to the storyboards.

    Claudia from Hannover, Germany

    The stop motion with Lego is very cool and it is not easy to use. The result is very good and I think it is the best one. The mp3 presentation is not so good like the stop motion, because there is only a text and no picture. It is easy to use but the result isn't so good my simple show and storyboard are good and easy but they took really long. I used storyboard too but it was a bit boring.
    Best greetings

    Ferdi, Hannover, Germany
    Emily from Hannover

    The stop motion video with lego stones is very nice,but I think it was very difficult to film it and took a long time to film. It is very creative and fun to watch! I think the storyboard videos are the best ones,because they are creative and easy to use.

    Ben s, Schiller
  • Which was your favourite tool for the presentation?
    7 votes (36.84%)
    2 votes (10.53%)
    recording a mp3 with your phone
    1 vote (5.26%)
    typing a text on the Twinboard
    1 vote (5.26%)
    writing a text and taking a picture of the text
    0 votes (0%)
    power point
    0 votes (0%)
    creating a stop-motion-movie
    3 votes (15.79%)
    5 votes (26.32%) quiz
    0 votes (0%)