Look for and find partners!



    The German students have chosen their topics and they are looking for partners from the other countries to work with them. Here is a list. You can write down your name on the wall if you want to work with them.

    Football - Nicals and Les want to write about football. Who of you wants to join them?

    youtuber - Leonie and Rachel want to write about youtuber. Who of you wants to join them?

    Free time activities - Malena and Mara want to write about free time acitivities. Who of you wants to join them?

    Fashion - Laura and Bahar want to write about fashion. Who of you wants to join them?

    Films / Movies - Cheyenne and Emma want to write about film / movies. Who of you wants to join them?

    Music - Marvin and Michelle want to write about music. Who of you wants to join them?

    Cooking / Recipes - Matthis, Anna and Stella want to write about recipes / cooking. Who of you wants ot join them?

    Celebrity talk - Elena and Aminata want to do celebrity talk. Who of you wants to join them?

    Manga - Vanessa likes drawing and painting. She is looking for partners who are interested in Mangas too.



    After much deliberation, here are the final groups in France :

    Football - Enzo and Romain

    Youtubers - Carl - Quentin and Fabien

    Fashion - Méladie - Mélodie - JC

    Music - Anais - Flavie - Alissia - Sarah

    Cover Page - Michelle - Adèle - Manon - Marion

    Celebrities - Corentin - Florian - Jules - Clément

    Movies - Nalina - Ligia - Inna - Majandra

    Recipes - Eve - Michelle - Coralie