Ayşegül Eskitaş,Kayseri,Turkey



    I am an English teacher  at Hayriye Middle School in Kayseri ,Turkey.I have been teaching for 15 years. I have been a teacher of Ministry of National Education for 5 years. I worked  in different instutions .I enjoy   researcing ,reading a lot  and taking courses .I want to do my best for my students and my job .In brief , I love  my  job.My dream has been to join projects over the years. Here I am  to make my wish come true .

    Last year my  friend Nataliia Vysochynska and I were together in a project .Our project was Art-cafe. Dear Nataliia said me that there was a project about Empathy and Kindness and  Dear Nataliia was so hardworking and reliable that I immediately accepted her offer.Thanks to her that our project is full of activities. I hope we will gain lots of valuable information.