4.2 Baking activities Cyprus

  • Due to coronavirus pandemic, the baking activity was completed by the students at home.

    Two of the students shared their baking experience.

    The recipe


    (Translated by Maria K.):

    Χαλβάς Κατσαρόλας




    1½ cup sugar

    3 cups semolina

    6 cups water

    1 cup sunflower oil

    2 cups almonds

    1 coffee cup rose water

    2-3 sticks cinnamon



    1. We cut the almonds in small pieces (if you want you could peal them before cutting them) and we leave some whole for the decoration.
    2. We prepare the syrup by putting water, sugar, cinnamon and rose water in a pot and boil until it becomes a clear liquid.
    3. We put the sunflower oil in a pot and roast the almonds.  We add the semolina and stir in low heat until it is roasted.
    4. We carefully add the hot syrup and stir until is thicken and comes off from the pot.  We put it in a form and when it gets cold, we deform and decorate with the whole almonds.
    Maria K. has taken pictures of all the ingredients and all the steps of the recipe!
    BRAVO Maria K.

    1. Sugar

    2. Semolina

    3. Almonds

    4. Cooking oil

    5. Rose water

    6. Cinammon sticks

    7. Preparation steps: Preparation of Syrop

    8. Cooking the HALVA.

    9. Serving it.

    10. Bon Apetite!!!

    Andreas T. prepared the HALVA at his home. Look how he decorated it with his first initial letter!! Well done!!!

    Firstly was the preparation of the HALVA in the pot.

    Secondly was its arrangement in the serving plate.

    Thirtly was its decoration with almonds.

    Finally was eating it!!!