
  • Let’s celebrate Earth Day drawing attention to planet’s issues! The motto for 2019 is "Protect our species". Let’s create a Green Digital Book of the project together to share “green” positive practices in collaboration with each other (logos, photos, videos, digital posters, robotics, coding, green day, poems, etc.) The project is cross - curriculum and short - term. Attract teachers of different subjects to tackle Earth issues! Let's show each other how we celebrate Earth Day in our schools!
    Ten teachers of different subjects in our school will share their experience with you.

    March :

    1st -2nd Week: 

    Forming Groups
    Arranging Students
    Getting Permissions

    3rd- 4th Week :

    Introducing the project to our students

    Informing our students about Earth Day

    April :

    1st - 2nd Week :

    Sharing our experiences with our colleagues on Twinspace

    Adding our students on Twinspace

    3rd - 4th Week :

    Sharing our Earth Day photos and videos

    Giving last shape of the documentary by using necessary technological tools which is optional.

    Submitting and sharing the documentaries on Twinspace.

    Creating e-Green Book

    Last Week of April :

    Voting Time, Dissemination Process, Evaluation, Applying for Quality Label

    Best Regards

    Ayçin Derman Hayta & Olga Lutška