Multisensory Structured Language Education in Vocational Schools

Vocational Training offers youngsters the education and skills to expertise in an area of interest. It prepares students for their further education and the world of work. To equip students with the necessary occupational and academic skills, it is also essential to provide them the education to fulfil their second/foreign language needs for their future plans. Unfortunately, most of the students coming to vocational schools have very low level language competencies. Second/Foreign language curriculum prepared for general secondary schools may not be suitable or enough for these learners, most probably with learning difficulties. We believe that the multi-sensory teaching methods will cater for our students who are lagging behind even in using their own native language effectively for various reasons. As business education includes planned, specialized instructional programs,language teaching for vocational students should be designed according to their educational and professional requirements as well. Multisensory strategies include specific order activities that involve the senses. Students can benefit from tasks that appeal to their learning channels with sufficient practice.If careful planning that practice all aspects of language systematically based on an organised curriculum is made, learners with difficulties might find second/foreign language learning easier and fun with less anxiety.

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