Project evaluation

  • I've enjoyed....the most.
    1. playing games and creating quizzes
    8 votes (19.05%)
    2. creating clouds of words
    6 votes (14.29%)
    3. learning about jobs and professions
    6 votes (14.29%)
    4. participating in threads and forums
    1 vote (2.38%)
    5. exchanging Christmas cards
    3 votes (7.14%)
    6. baking bread and giving it to other schools
    5 votes (11.90%)
    7. leaving comments and participating in the picture dictionary
    2 votes (4.76%)
    8. creating my Avatar
    5 votes (11.90%)
    9. participating in polls and voting for favourites
    3 votes (7.14%)
    10. drawings
    3 votes (7.14%)
  • Leave your reflections here!

    In my opinion...

    I really liked the etwinning project, not only the activities of the English discipline, but all of them. Unfortunately we can't do any more activities, but I loved what we did.


    I liked to know this platform.

    Tiago Cidade

    I liked creating my Avatar.

    Mariana Azevedo


    Work and Days

    In my opinion, I prefered "Books and Places" but "Work and days" was very good though. Matilde Diogo 9ºD

    Ana Tavares

    I liked receiving Christmas postcards.