"Eat to Live, Live to Eat"

  • “Eat to live, Live to eat”  is an integrated project which involves several subjects of our school curricula: foreign language (English), Biology and Mathematics.  With this project we aim at developing  the following key competences: Linguistic competence, Mathematical competence, Competences in science and technology, Digital competence and Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship. The language of the project will be English.
    Target group: classes of 14-15 year-olds (a total of 20-40 students per school).


    We expect our students to be able to:

    - Carry out some brief, guided research about nutrition and eating habits.

    -Work in small groups based on cooperative methodology and where students will be assigned different roles and responsibilities.

    -Be accountable for their own learning process.

    - Apply acquired knowledge to design a brochure giving advice for a healthy lifestyle.

    - Develop written and oral language skills.

    - Assess work at the different stages of the project: self-evaluation, peer evaluation and group evaluation by means of rubrics.



    Our partners will be Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 13, Timișoara Romania, Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących Mistrzostwa Sportowego w Ostrowcu Świętokrzyskim, Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski Poland, ÖZEL ERCİYES OKULLARI, Talas Turkey, European School Brussels IV, Belgium.

    Stage 1. Project design: goals, main activities, partner selection process (end of February-beginning of March 2019).

    Stage 2. Create project on eTwinning platform. Approval by National Support Service (beginning of March 2019).

    Stage 3: Warm up. Two mini-tasks: a) Express opinion in the forum: students will give their opinion about  some images. Do these  images  show healthy habits? Why? Why not? b) Choose a typical dish from your country and describe the ingredients. How healthy is it? (1-20 March 2019)

    Stage 4: Research and reflection:  a) Students create a chart and register all their meals in a week, Monday to Sunday.  b) Research on the different food groups; low-calorie/high-calorie/, rich-protein/fatty foods, carbohydrates.  Nutritional value. Overweight. Recommended calorie intake c) “Do you think that this week your diet has been balanced? Choose one of the days and calculate the calories”. (15-31 March)

    Stage 5: Sharing experiences. a) Students share their charts and their findings with the groups from the other countries on the Twinspace. They will indicate whether they consider their diet is balanced and how they could improve it.  (April 2019)

    Stage 6: Create a document in which you give tips for a healthy life: foods that must be part of our diet, foods we should avoid, good habits, unhealthy habits, sport, etc. Students are given the freedom to decide on the final outcome: PPT presentation, video, a digital brochure using Prezi or a similar programme. (April 2019)

    Stage 7: An international jury will select the best 5 outcomes, which will be made public on the websites of the partner schools. (End of May - beginning of June)



    Tangible results/outputs:

    - Common TwinSpace to share all the different stages of the project.

    -Assessment documents and rubrics about the different tasks of the projects.

    - PowerPoint Presentations, Videos, Brochures.