The World Heritage Day

  • On 18th of April the International Day for Monuments and Sites is celebrated every year  around the world  with a great range of activities, including visits to heritage sites and monuments, conferences, round tables and newspaper articles. It was established during Unesco General Conference in 1983. 

    The aim of the World Heritage Day is to encourage local communities and individuals throughout the world to consider the importance of cultural heritage to their lives, identities and communities, and to promote awareness of its diversity and vulnerability and the efforts required to protect and conserve it.

    In this difficult period because of the pandemics diffusion of coronavirus, we can visit  sites and  monuments only virtually. This offers some advantages: we can travel through Europe in one single day!!!

    So let's share the most important sites and monuments in our countries!

  • Monuments and Sites in our countries

    Pompeii, Italy, by Maria Anversa Grasso (Teacher)

    Pompeii is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most popular tourist attractions in Italy, attracting about 2 millions of tourists annually. It was an ancient city, located near Naples, that was buried under volcanic ashes and pumice after Vesuvius eruption in 79 AD. Therefore this is one of the most ancient and largest sites in the world, covering an area of 35 hectares.
    The city was rediscovered thanks to excavations since 16th century. It is the witness of Etruscan, Greek and Roman civilizations.

    The Colosseum, by Santina Mancuso

    The Colosseum, also called the Flavian Amphitheater is the largest monument in the world; it has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1908. It is located in the center of the capital, Rome and is a famous tourist attractionin Italy. Built in the Flavian era, its construction was started by Vespasiano in 71/72 AD. In ancient times it was used for gladiator shows and other public events and it could host until 80,000 spectators! The Colosseum is listed as one of the seven Wonders of the world!

    The Valley of the Temples, Italy, by Grazia Rizzo (teacher)

    The Valley of the Temples, considered by UNESCO one of the most famous outstanding monuments of Greek art and culture, is just outside Agrigento, on the southern coast of Sicily. It covers the vast territory of the ancient Greek city-state as well as the sacred hill which contains eight Doric temples, built between 510 BC and 430 BC still intact, and the extramural necropolis, visited by a lot of tourists. Agrigento has a special place among classical sites in the history of the ancient world because of the way in which its original site, typical of Greek colonial settlements, has been preserved. Selected excavated areas throw light on the later Hellenistic and Roman town and the burial practices of its early Christian inhabitants.

    Royal Palace of Caserta by Sara Bonvegna

    The "Reggia di Caserta" , located in Campania, dates back to the XVIII century, during the Spanish domination in southern Italy. King Carlo di Borbone wanted his modern palace to celebrate the splendor of his dynasty, to make the Kingdom of Naples and Sicily at the same level as the French one. Around the palace there is a park of over 120 hectares: here you can find groves , fountains, statues of heroes and divinities of classical mythology.

    Trevi Fountain, Annamaria Abbate, Italy

    Located in Rome, is one of the most famous fountains in the world, designed by the famous Italian architect Nicola Salvi.. Built in Baroque style, its construnction has started since 1749. It is 26.3 meters high with a width of 49.15 meters. This fountain was used as setting in some famous films such as "La dolce vita" by Fellini.

    Museum of Nikos Kazantzakis, Greece - Aggeliki Griniezaki

    The Kazantzakis Museum pays tribute to the important intellectual, author, thinker, philosopher, politician and traveler Nikos Kazantzakis. The Museum is made up of a cluster of buildings in the central square of the historical village of Varvari, now known as Myrtia. The Museum Exhibition is housed on a site formerly occupied by the home of the Anemoyannis family, which was related to Nikos Kazantzakis' father, Kapetan Michalis. The Museum was founded in 1983 by set and costume designer Yiorgos Anemoyannis, a pioneering figure in Greek theatre. His fundamental aim was to preserve the author's memory and promote his work and thought. Significant assistance was offered by Eleni Kazantzaki, the author's second wife. The museum opening ceremony was held on 27th June 1983.


    Spinalonga by Katerina kraniotaki (teacher)

    The island of Spinalonga is located in the Gulf of Elounda in north-eastern Crete, in Lasithi, next to the town of Plaka. The island is further assigned to the area of Kalydon. It is near the Spinalonga peninsula – which often causes confusion as the same name is used for both. The official Greek name of the island today is Kalydon.
    During Venetian rule, salt was harvested from salt pans around the island.The island has also been used as a leper colony. Spinalonga has appeared in novels, television series, and a short film.

    Florence Cathedral by Roberta, Italy

    Florence Cathedral, Santa Maria del fiore, is located in “Piazza del Duomo” in Florence, Tuscany. It is one of the largest churches in Italy, being a complex structure that includes the Baptistery and Giotto’s Campanile. These three buildings are part of the Unesco Heritage Sites. The Cathedral was built in 1296 in Gothic style and was structurally completed by 1436, with the dome engineered by Filippo Brunelleschi.

    Heraklion Archaeological Museum by Katerina kraniοtaki(teacher)

    The Heraklion Archaeological Museum is one of the largest and most important museums in Greece, and among the most important museums in Europe. It houses representative artifacts from all the periods of Cretan prehistory and history, covering a chronological span of over 5,500 years from the Neolithic period to Roman times. The singularly important Minoan collection contains unique examples of Minoan art, many of them true masterpieces. The Heraklion Museum is rightly considered as the museum of Minoan culture par excellence worldwide.

    Acropolis by Irini Steiakaki

    The Acropolis of Athens is only a rocky hill 156 m. From the process of the country and 70 m. Problem from the time of the process of Athens. It was found that the hill was inhabited from the 3rd millennium BC. From the 6th c. e.g. The sanctuaries of the Athenians began to be built on it, such as the Ekatobeton, which were destroyed during the Persian wars.

    Archaelogical Site of Olympia by Emmanouela Karapidaki, Greece

    In a valley of outstanding beauty, surrounded by the rivers Alpheios and Kladeos, in the Peloponnese, the greatest sanctuary in honor of Zeus was established around the 4th millennium BC. It wasn’t until 776 B.C. that the first games were held there during the celebration of Zeus- it was the first Olympic Games. Up to this day, for every Olympic Games, the Olympic Flame travels from Olympia to the host city. Visiting Olympia today, you can admire what remains from the ancient temples and facilities, alongside with the breathtaking natural sceneries.

    Venetian fortress, Rocca a Mare "Greece Crete" | By Nikos Mavrogiannis

    The Koules or Castello a Mare ("Fort on the Sea" in Italian) is a fortress located at the entrance of the old port of Heraklion, Crete, Greece. It was built by the Republic of Venice in the early 16th century, and is still in good condition today. The site was possibly first fortified by the Arabs in the 9th or 10th centuries. By the second Byzantine period, a tower known as Castellum Comunis stood on the site. In 1303, the tower was destroyed in an earthquake but was repaired. In 1462, the Venetian Senate approved a programme to improve the fortifications of Candia. Eventually, the Byzantine tower was demolished in 1523, and the Castello a Mare began to be built instead. Old ships were filled with stone, and were sunk to form a breakwater and increase the area of the platform on which the fortress was built.

    Monuments in Prague

    Prague is the capital city of the Czech Republic. Is very popular with tourists from all over the world. In prague we find several monuments important for our country, some are on the UNESCO list. It is nicknamed as the hundred-towered Prague. There are monuments like Prague Castle, High Castle, Saint Wenceslas Monument, National Museum, Powder Gate and more other. Definitely worth a visit to this city.
    link to the video:

    Archbishop's Castle in Kroměříž, Czechia, by Hana Vymětalová

    The Archbishop's Castle is located in the town of Kroměříž in my country Czechia. It has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1998. The town Kroměříž was declared the most beautiful historic city of Czechia in 1997. In Kroměříž are many other monumets like flower garden, castle garden, all these monuments are part of the UNESCO. The Archbishop's Castle was built in the style of the early Baroque in 1512. The chateau is owned by the Archbishopric of Olomouc.The chateau houses the National Monuments Institute, a territorial administration of monuments in Kroměříž. Sometimes various exhibitions, weddings and balls are held there.

    Knossos Palace, Crete, by Maria Manousaki

    The name Knossos was formerly Latinized as Cnossus or Cnossos, is the largest Bronze Age archaeological site on Crete and has been called Europe's oldest city.Settled as early as the Neolithic period, the name Knossos survives from ancient Greek references to the major city of Crete. The palace of Knossos eventually became the ceremonial and political centre of the Minoan civilization and culture. The palace was abandoned at some unknown time at the end of the Late Bronze Age, c. 1,380–1,100 BC. The reason why is unknown, but one of the many disasters that befell the palace is generally put forward. In the First Palace Period (around 2,000 BC), the urban area reached a size of as many as 18,000 people. In its peak, the palace and surrounding city boasted a population of 100,000 people shortly after 1,700 BC.

    The Virgin Lady of the Harbour, Marzia, Italy

    "Madonna della Lettera" is one of the names used by the Catholic religion in the veneration of Mary, mother of Jesus. She is particularly worshipped in Messina where a statue was built at the entrance of the Harbour for blessing the ships and their crew. The monument consists of a high stele of octagonal section on which a statue of the Virgin Lady is placed at a height of about 60 meters from the surface of the water. It is 7 meters high and is covered in golden bronze. On the circular wall of the bastion, on which it is placed, they are reproduced in large letters some Latin words: "VOS ET IPSAM CIVITATEM BENEDICIMUS". The statue was inaugurated with a solemn ceremony in 1934 by Pope Pius XI.

    Taormina Theatre, Federica, Italy

    The Ancient Theatre in Taormina was built in the third century BC during the Greek period. So it has Hellenistic origins even if it was reconstructed in the Republican Age perhaps under Augustus Emperor. Since 1950s the structure has been used as an open-air theatre for various forms of entertainment ranging from concerts to performances and ensuring until 4500 seats being the second largest theatre in Sicily after that one of Syracuse.

    Phaistos Palace ,Crete.Greece by Alexia Zervaki

    Phaistos was one of the most important palatial centres of Minoan civilization, and the most wealthy and powerful city in southern Crete. It was inhabited from the Neolithic period until the foundation and development of the Minoan palaces. The Palace of Phaistos with its superb architectural considered to be the finest and most typical of all Minoan palaces. The ruins of the old and new palace are preserved today, the former having been protected under a shed.
    Phaistos is knonw as the second most impotant city in Crete (after Knossos) and is now one very popular museum in Greece!

    The Elephant Fountain, Italy by Martina

    This Fountain is located in Catania city centre (Sicily) and was built between 1735 and 1737. It is composed by a lava stone elephant which is very ancient and that dates back probably to the Roman period and an obelisk created in the VIII century. The monumental work is surrounded by a small garden and two sculptures that reproduce the two Catania rivers. It symbolizes three civilizations: punic (embodied by the elephant), Egyptien (the obelisk) and Roman (the cross). Its function is to protect the inhabitants from the Etna eruptions.

    St. Alexander Nevski Cathedral

    Completed in 1912, St. Alexander Nevsky Patriarchal Cathedral Stauropigial Memorial-Church is an impressive landmark in Sofia. The church was built as a memorial to the 200,000 Russian soldiers who died in the Russo-Turkish Liberation War (1877-1878).

    Torre di Pisa, Italia, di Siria Conti.

    La torre di Pisa (o anche la torre pendente) è il campanile della cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta, nella celeberrima Piazza dei Miracoli insieme al Duomo, il Battistero e il Campo santo. E’ il monumento più famoso della città per via della pendenza, e anche fra i simboli iconici d'Italia. La sua particolare pendenza, è dovuta a un cedimento del terreno sottostante verificatosi già nelle prime fasi della costruzione. Per molti anni, fino agli scavi recenti, il progetto fu attribuito a Giorgio Vasari o a Bonanno Pisano, ma più probabilmente la torre è opera di Gherardo di Gherardo costruita tra il dodicesimo e il quattordicesimo secolo. Nonostante un bombardamento del 1944, questa non ha subito danni fino ad oggi che, dal 2001 è riaperta al pubblico ed è quindi possibile visitarla. Infine, in cima alla torre vi sono 7 campane dove Galileo Galilei eseguì gli esperimenti.

    The Monument Of Liberty, Mount Shipka, Bulgaria (by Simeon Boyadzhiev, Troyan, Bulgaria)

    This is the Monument of Liberty on Mount Shipka. It is located in the Balkan Mountains and its reputation dates back to the late 1870s - a time of great importance in our national history. It was here, where the most legendary battle for Bulgarian liberation was fought - the Bulgarian forces showed exceptional heroism and bravery. That is why this place is sacred to our nation.

    Tsarevets, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

    Tsarevets is a medieval stronghold with a long history located on a hill with the same name. Its purpose was to defend the then capital of Bulgaria - Veliko Tarnovo, between 1085 and 1393. The fortress was burned down in 1393, but restoration work has begun in the beginning of the 20th century. You can peacefully wander around the ancient ruins and walk along the breathtaking fortress walls.

    Metevra Eleni maniorou

    In every inaccessible availability of meteorites, every use of steep slopes, the elements of the tower's pillars have been carefully installed ", careful florists, the sanctuaries from the 11th application. 24 polystyrene. The wallpapers of passers-by, users date from the 16th, every time they require the development of the post-Byzantine.

    Esztergom Basilica (Esztergom, Hungary) - by Kamilla Asztalos

    The Primatial Basilica of the Blessed Virgin Mary Assumed Into Heaven and St Adalbert also known as the Esztergom Basilica, is an ecclesiastic basilica in Esztergom, Hungary. It is the largest church and the tallest building in Hungary. It was built between 1001 and 1010, but at the end of the 12th century, the cathedral burned down. It was rebuilt, and even survived the Mongol invasion of Hungary. It was ruined again under Turkish rule, in 1543. In 1820, the Archdiocese was restored and Archbishop Sándor Rudnay decided to restore the church. It was completed in 1869. Today the church has a lot of visitors. They can see paintings, monuments and the beautiful cupola. It is one of the most famous basilicas in our country.

    Bory Castle (Székesfehérvár, Hungary) - by Fanni Oroszi

    Bory-vár (Castle of Jenő Bory) is located in Székesfehérvár. Székesfehérvár is one of the biggest cities in Hungary. It was a cellar, but Jenő Bory bought the cellar in 1912 then he built a castle over it. Jenő Bory was an artist and architect. He built the castle for 40 years. Inside the castle there is a room with lots of artwork. Outside there is a swimming pool, lots of flowers and statue. This is a very nice romantic castle, if you are in Hungary, you have to see it.

    St Stephen's Basilica (Budapest, Hungary) - by Enikő Uram

    St. Stephen's Basilica is a Roman Catholic basilica in Budapest, Hungary. It is named after Stephen, the first King of Hungary. At first, the building was supposed to be named after Saint Leopold, the patron saint of Austria, but the plan was changed in the very last minute, so it became St. Stephen's Basilica. It was the sixth largest church building in Hungary before 1920. Since the renaming of the primatial see, it's the co-cathedral of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Esztergom-Budapest. Today, it is the third largest church building in present-day Hungary. It was built between1851 and 1906. The Basilica is rich in fine arts. Today the church has lots of visitors. It is one of the most famous basilicas in our country.

    Andrassy Avenue (Budapest, Hungary) - by Dávid Tar

    The Andrassy Avenue is 2310 meters long, and it is located in Budapest, in the sixth district. The street connects the Inner City and the City Park. From the fifth and sixth districts border, all the way to the fourteenth districts border. Underneath goes the first metro line.
    The Avenue with the Millennial Underground Railway and Heroes’ Square have become the part of the UNESCO in 2002.

    State castle Litomyšl

    The castle is part of the UNESCO monuments. This castle is located in the Pardubice region. The castle was built in the 16th century by the Pernštejn family. It is a big nice castle. I really liked it when I was there.

    The Temple of Apollo, Syracuse, Italy, by Alessia Amalfa

    The temple of Apollo (Apollónion) is one of the most important monuments of Ortigia ( Syracuse). It is certainly the oldest Doric stone temple in Sicily, dating back to the beginning of the 6th century BC. it underwent several transformations starting from the Byzantine period.

    It was first transformed into a Christian basilica, then by the Arabs into a mosque and by the Normans again into a Christian church.
    The original structure is a very elongated building (m. 58,10 x 24,50), surrounded by grandiose columns. Only in the second half of the nineteenth century and especially from the 40s the area was affected by excavations to bring to light the remains of the temple.
    Currently the visit of the remains of the temple is not allowed. However, the presence of railings surrounding the ruins allows you to admire the remains of the temple from the outside.

    Tyndaris Greek Theatre, by Salvatore, Italy

    This Greek Theatre is one of the oldest in Sicily, being founded by Dionysius in 395 BC. It is located in the small village of Tyndaris, place of pilgrimage for its famous shrine, on a promontory facing the sea. After the Punic Wars, Tyndaris had a Roman government. Today this ancient theatre attracts lots of tourists and during the summer some important perfomances and concerts are performed there.

    Argimusco by Mattia, Italy

    Argimusco is an archeological and naturalistic site located near the Natural Reserve of 'Bosco di Malabotta', close to the medieval town of Montalbano Elicona (province of Messina).
    The site is formed by giant natural rocks that are millions of years old and are characterized by particular forms of rare beauty. It seems to be a “sacred place”, so that it has been compared to the famous British Stonehenge. Walking among these colossuses we wonder what the megaliths of Argimusco really were: a site for sacred rites, a place for astronomical observations for the peoples of ancient times, or maybe just beautiful and evocative sandstone rocks, eroded by the wind of the plateau over the centuries.

    Proserpina Fountain by Chiara M., Italy

    The Proserpina fountain is located in Catania, near the train station. It was built by Giulio Moschetti in 1904. The fountain was made of an unusual material: the cement, that is less expensive.
    It represent a dramatic monument, the kidnapping of Proserpina. There are many figures, for example sea horses and sirens.
    The characters are wrapped in pathos: a rocky rise generated by the mother earth in which, Plutone grabs Proserpina in a lightning-fast way, who asks for help.
    In the evening at sunset, the lights placed inside it give a suggestive and scenographic show.

    Noto Nicolaci Palace by Clara, Italy

    Noto is a Sicilian city near Syracuse. It has been called "The Capital
    of the Baroque" and its historic center was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2002.
    The Nicolaci palace of the princes is a symbol that today, restored to its former glory, gives the dimension of the
    artistic wealth and opulence of the Noto center, in a period now past.
    Urban noble residence of the Nicolaci family and in full Baroque style, this building designed by Rosario
    Gagliardi has 90 rooms. The beginning of the work began in 1720, although it was completed
    only in 1765. The main wing of Palazzo Nicolaci was
    purchased by the Municipality of Noto in 1983 and was completely recovered thanks to a series of
    restorations carried out by the Superintendency of Cultural Heritage of Syracuse

    Norman Palace by Chiara P., Italy

    Norman Palace, also known as Royal Palace, is located in Palermo and is currently the seat of the Sicilian Regional Assembly. From the Arab-Norman-Byzantine architectural style, the palace is the oldest royal residence in Europe: home of the kings of the Kingdom of Sicily, imperial seat with Frederick II and Corrado IV and of the historic Sicilian Parliament.Palazzo dei Normanni, also known as Palazzo Reale, is located in Palermo and is currently the seat of the Sicilian Regional Assembly. From the Arab-Norman-Byzantine architectural style, the palace is the oldest royal residence in Europe, dating back to the 9th century: home of the kings of the Kingdom of Sicily, imperial seat with Frederick II and Corrado IV and of the historic Sicilian Parliament. Its famous Cappella Palatina, with its golden roof, was added in 1132.

    Erice Castle by Serena, Italy

    The Castle of Erice is located in the medieval city of Erice (Sicily), on a hill, and it is also known as Venus Castle, because its origins, according to a legend, are linked to the goddess of fertility. The Castle, sorrounded by Walls and fortifications, is today an attraction for tourists.

    Villa Tugendhat, Czech Republic, by Hana O.

    Villa Tugendhat is an architecturally significant building located in Brno, Czechia. It was designed by German architects Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Lilly Reich. It is a part of UNESCO heritage. It’s an icon of modernism. The construction started in 1928 and ended in 1930. It was made for a Jewish German family. They lived there eight years before fleeing from Czechoslovakia to Switzerland and then to Venezuela. They never lived in the Villa again. The villa was confiscated by Gestapo in 1939. They used it as a apartment and office. The design of the villa is “the less is more”. Its an airy place. There are a lot of big windows and a terrace with a big garden.