Women who changed the world

Projekat će biti realizovan povodom obeležavanja Dana žena (Women's Day) i planirane su razne aktivnosti (pisanje eseja, crtanje portreta, kviz znanja, smišljanje raznih igara na zadatu temu....) pomoću kojih ćemo doći do saznanja o ženama iz različitih zemalja koje su na neki način promenile svet. Zato se i tako zove naš projekat - Women who changed the world. The project is to be held as the way to celebrate the Women's Day. Different activities are palnned (writting essays, drawing, the quiz, making different games related to the topic) which will help the students to get to know something new about the women from other countries who somehow changed the world, as the title of our project is ''Women who changed the world.

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