The Guardians of Tolerance - Campaign

  • We´ve divided the campaign in three fases:

    Fase 1

    Research: where obviusly we did researchs for the campaign advertisement and materials.

    Define the target audience: one need after our research was to fin who was the best candidates for our campaign and we defined children from 10 to 20 years old, based on the premisse that homofobia is learned and it was important to change behaviors on the ages were it starts to be learned.

    Fase 2

    Deciding a proper theme: the theme for the campaign was decided, changing the campaing slogan from “diferent isn´t diferent” to “do you remember who you were before society decided it?” so it agrees in our research premisse that homophobia isn´t a desease, it´s learnd. We decided the colors to be used, that all graphics should be similar or almost similar in all our presentations, the logo, the music for the video, the script, the designing of the poster and MEME, the way the message will be delivered, the language to be used, etc.

    Selection of Media: the media or selected was defined to be the one more often used by our target audience, so we choose to make a web page, a MEME, a Poster and to make a film that is posted on youtube.

    Fase 3

    Executing the campaign: finally the campaign was executed and it´s still ongoing in school.

    To make our campaign more appealing and accessible to our target group, we´ve opted to publish our materials on a website that is accessible.

    The page was published in Portuguese for obvious reasons and because with the translation tool from google chrome is easily to go online and read everithing in any language of any user.

    We´ve made a movie based on the option taken by the voters of our common projec and of our school facebook page. Each of us mede a campaign project and the one that was more voted was the one that we developed (Constança´s project).

    The history is of a girl that is dating another girl at home, her mother arrives and begins to argue with her because she don’t agree (she´s homophobic) and expels the girlfriend of her home.

    The daughter gets angry but she can´t do anything.

    One day while his brother takes a shower she notices that the ex-girlfriend makes a call to her brother´s phone, she thinks it's strange.

    Some days latter, while the family waits for lunch the doorbell rings. It’s the ex-girlfriend who is dating her brother, the girl is angry with everyone and flees to her room, the mother follows the daughter but when she sees the displeasure in which she finds her, get´s disgusted and thoughtful because she knows she has done wrong.

    Some of the materials we have prepared for our campaign:

    A logo that was created based on the colors of the flag associated with the community Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transvestite, Transsexual or Transgender (LGBT).

    A MEME that was created as one of the new forms of expression that more acceptance has among the young. The images were taken from a site where they are free to use.

    A poster that tries to emphasize the part of education, in demonstrating that homophobia is not a situation of acceptance or not, it is a situation of education. When we have homophobic behavior we have an educational and social problem.

    A flyer that brings written information and will be used in the 17th of may.

    On May 17 we will distribute flyers we´ve prepared on about the theme as a way to commemorate the international day of struggle against homophobia.

    In order to maximize our message at local level, we´ve sent emails to several institutions and at this moment we await for the response of the the request in publishing our campaign on their websites or facebook pages.

    We´ve made a questionnaires with 10 questions to evaluate if peopole consider themselves homophobic or not. 137 persons from our school area respond and the answers to the 10 questions were conclusives.