
  • Here we can upload the documentation of all our dissemination activities!

  • Dissemination activities

    Madmagz published!
    Link in the school web sites

    Look at that on the right column!

    Technomythology - site of Experimental JHS UoC

    Here you can find the project Technomythology in the page, which is dedicated to the school's e-twinning projects.

    YouTube E-book Promo Video

    Here you can find our promo video for our upcoming e-book

    Padlet of the etwinning event for the school of Collecchio

    This padlet will include pictures taken during the last school day in Collecchio

    Dissemination in Slovakia

    Our dissemination day! The pupils from 5.B have been working hard on our project and we´ ve had many great moments :). JUST LOVE IT

    Dissemination in Slovakia

    Our dissemination was great! The pupils enjoyed the presentation of the project The pupils from 6.A were fantastic and we all had a great time!

    Dissemination on Greece

    On the 20 June we presented the e-twinning project to parents, students and other members of Rethymno (relatives, teachers, older students). Here you can find the file. The students presented their project!

    Photos from the 20th June school's fest

    Here you can find some photos from our e-twinning dissemination Day (among other events)

    Small theatrical play on Technomythology

    Here you can find a small theatrical play from our project. It may sound all greek to you :-)

    Technomythology balloons!

    To disseminate the e-twinning projects in the Experimenatal JHS we released ballons. In the blue balloons "Technomythology" was written

    blog post

    Here is a post in my personal professional blog

    Artical in Newspaper (1)

    Here is a post in a local newspaper (see screenshot)

    Article in Newspaper (2)

    Here is another article in newspaper (see screenshot)

    Post in website from e-newspaper

    Here is a post the e-newspaper Goodnet

    Post from a local e-newspaper

    Here is another post from a e-newspaper- Rethemniotika Nea

    Post in teachers' personal blog

    Here is post in my personal blog

    E-Book dissemination

    A video that was used to disseminate our e-book

    20th June Fest

    A video where we present Technomythology through theatrical play

    20 th June School Fest

    In the end of th fest we released some balloons with the program's Logo (Technomythology)

    20th June_ Final Presentation

    Here you can find our final presentation link:

    20th June

    Our project is being disseminated in parents, students, ex-students and members from the school's community.