Second year of project: Dissemination Activities

    • Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore C.I.GIULIO -  2019/09/13

    The meeting is aimed at disseminating the results obtained during the first year. During the meeting, the Teachers Ahead project was presented to the teachers of the Giulio Institute, starting from the inspiring principles, focusing on the social pillars of the 2020 European Agenda, the speech developed on the objectives, the activities carried out, the partners involved and on the methods of selecting participating teachers.

    see more info at: 

    disseminazione Giulio 2 anno.pdf

    • IPS "Albe STEINER" Turin - 201911/13

    The seminar is aimed at teachers, managers, educators, students and families; an opportunity to present and disseminate the results of the first year of the European project "Teachers AHEAD" on the theme of inclusion and inclusive contexts in the School;

    Seminario Il docente e il contesto inclusivo.pdf

    • Docenti IN/FORMAZIONE

    Didattica inclusiva e digitale con gli EAS
    L’ EAS è “…un’attività di insegnamento e apprendimento (TLA) che attraverso un contenuto circoscritto, uno sviluppo temporale ridotto e un agire contestualizzato si propone come forma di insegnamento efficace e opportunità di apprendimento significativo” (Rivoltella, 2015).

    didattica inclusiva e digitale con gli EAS.pdf

    • G.S. RAKOVSKI - Lyceé bilingue des Lingues Romanes - Burgas (BG)