Evaluation form

  • Summary

    Have you learnt anything new within the project?

    yes 21 52.5%
    no 19 47.5%

    If yes, what was it?

    I have learnt about homelessness and crime in Europe.
    lot of words
    New words
    The differents problems in our country and partener's country
    that in our country there are a lot of problems that we don't know about
    Lots of vocabularies
    originality, vocabulary
    i learnt a many expresion
    it was great
    to work with other people who are not french
    I have more information about problems in our country
    We learnt of thing concerning our country or things on the other countries
    the vocabulary of super heroes
    I learnt to communicate
    different sort of bulling
    The phonetic and the pronunciation
    Problems in the world
    Communication With other countries

    Which project task did you like/enjoy the most?

    description of the eurocouple 7 17.5%
    drawing 8 20%
    election/vote for the best hero/heroine 9 22.5%
    video interviews 10 25%
    audio - giving a voice to heroes 5 12.5%
    creating posters 1 2.5%

    What piece of partners´work do you like the most?

    Their designs
    their drawings
    Darwinisme super heroes
    The drawing
    Italian's drawing
    every piece
    How we invented the hero by cooperating
    i don't know
    video interview
    creating postres
    creating posters (Italian)
    their drawing
    no idea
    I don't know
    The Drawings
    when they draw
    the posters
    When we discover the others posters.
    The drawings

    Did you miss anything within this international project?

    yes 7 17.5%
    no 33 82.5%

    If yes, what was it?

    comics, stories
    video conferenc
    Video conference with other countries
    I wish i had more time
    Contacts between the countries

    While giving a birth to our heroes together and collaboratively, how did you feel or what did you feel?

    I felt surprised 1 2.5%
    I felt shy and afraid of making mistakes 4 10%
    I enjoyed it 18 45%
    I am competitive and it was challenge for me 5 12.5%
    It was great experience to cooperate in international teams 12 30%

    While working on the problems in our countries, what was the most difficult for you?

    to find information 9 22.5%
    to suggest solution 31 77.5%

    What message would you send to Local, Municipal or Regional Authorities or the Government about the problems our countries face ?

    I would send them that they must try to follow the steps of our superheroes
    to find solutions to resolve that
    it was good project
    Help animals
    This country doesn't get a hero they deserve, but a hero they need.
    You must find some solutions for help and solve the problems in our contries.
    Help animals
    I don't know
    be careful to children who take a wrong way
    Stop talking Android do what you say
    Find more job in france
    De mettre dans les bars des posters qui montre la dose d'alcool maximum pour reprendre le volant en toute securité
    The government has to look at our project he will see problem of every country
    To be more ecology concerned
    Try to find solutions for homeless people
    That they should check this out
    about the homelesses
    The solidarity
    Every government shouldtake care of its people. Some solutions may sound crazy at the begïnning, but they can be the best ones.
    don't smoking evrywhere
    I just want to say many peoples are in difficulty and you have the power to help them, so why do you not do ?
    Pay more attention to the population
    I don't know
    Take care about your people at first
    to do attention to the pollution
    i want to say to the government to do attention to nature
    It's necessary to stop the pollution !
    I think we must to find solutions that once rather that to want wether it is to Kate
    homeless people need help
    there are a many homeless but there are not a employs.
    Take care of your country
    Good luck
    Better sensitize the population on these problems .
    I would be happy if the Government helps people, who really need it and who deserve it.

    If you were a politician, would you try to follow the steps of our superheroes?

    yes 34 85%
    no 6 15%

    Number of daily responses