2. October

  • 1. Hi! friends, again

    During October we´ve been having a look to  the European  map and  we´ve been thinking about what we are going to do for our E_Twinning Project and how are we going to work in class.

    I would be interesting to introduce some information about where we are in the map and how to say "Hello and Welcome! in your  mothern language".. What do you think?

    In Spain we say : "¡Hola!", for "hello!"  and, "Bienvenidos" for "Welcome!"

    How about you? Waitting news.

    Nela, Oscar and the 4th level class.


    2. Outdoor Activities are important in our School. Here you have an example about an special Area in Gran Canaria: Laurel Nature Classroom!

    Nela & Óscar

    Thanks, friends.


    3. Halloween and Finaos

    We´ve upload a video with some of the activities about Halloween in our school.

    The·31st of October is Halloween and the 1st of November, we celebrate "Los Finaos". It´s a different way to live the dead.

     It´s the day of "All the Saints" for Christians.

    In small villages people celebrate this day together. They normally eat some Canarian typical products as: "papas arrugadas con mojo picón", potatoes with a very spicy hot sause; cheese, and a lot of  roasted chestnuts. They normally drink some sweet wine and anise. Before in the morning you go to the cementery to pray for your dead family.

    The roasted chestnuts are "the finaos". That´s a Canarian Word. In Spain they prefer, castañas instead..., yes: "Finaos".

    Happy Halloween, friends and for us an important even in our school.... 

    Thanks to mums for coming to roast chestnuts.

    Hope reading you soon!

    Nl. Suárez ;)