Students will make an research in different science aria - water, air, movement, forces, to collect facts.Examples:What can the water, status of the water, where it comes from rain snow ,the journey of a water drop, distribution of air, the secrets of the invisible ocean, the movement of the bodies, how come the clouds, who makes the storm , how to obtain the arc.
Then all participating schools will record and share video experiment related on the collected science facts.In the end certificates will be given to the best video experiment after voting of all partners. All facts and experiments will be described through PPT at the project web page and twin space. In the end of the project all science facts and experiments will be collected in the project e- book uploaded at the the project web page and twin space. The printed copy of the book and video experiments will be used in the further science education in all participating schools. Students will share their impressions and will prepare different funny questions related to different since subject in the game - Do you know that ? That game will be base for the e- game which will be created for students to play and learn science facts.The game will be used in the science education too.