Rače Primary School-Rače-Slovenia

  • Municipality Rače – Fram is situated in a rural area of the town of Maribor – the second biggest Slovenian town and the capital of Styria. The municipality consists of ten villages and is home to around 7000 people who live there. It has two primary schools for children aged between 6 and 15. Among these two schools, one of them is Primary school Rače.

    Our pupils are aged 6 to 14 years. This year Primary school Rače is attended by 377 pupils. Part of the institution is also a kindergarten for children aged 11 months to 5 years. School has 57 employees, around 41 of them are teachers.

    The beginning of education in Rače dates back to 1873. The first school was built as a two-grade school in 1893. After almost 70 years, it became a complete eight-grade primary school. In 1979, the school building was extended by the sports hall. 

    With the development of education, the school building has been expanded all the time. Nowadays the school building has 23 classrooms, a modern library, a computer room, a classroom for household and music, a technical classroom, a sports hall, and a smaller gym.

    The classes start at 8.20. Before and after classes, activities take place within the extended program. We organize morning care for first-graders from 6 am until the beginning of the classes. Pupils from 1st to 5th grade can attend the extended program after school and wait for their parents to come for them until 5 pm.

    Children have two meals in school: a morning snack and lunch in the afternoon. 

    The student learns to learn, think, and live healthy in a pleasant environment, improves literacy and various skills, and develops quality interpersonal relationships.


    Video about our town Rače and our school, named Primary School Rače.