• School Peer Mediation

    One of the most important aims of our project is to use Drama for conflict prevention. This way our pupils in our schools develop empathy, the skill to walk in other people's shoes. The lack of empathy is the root of most conflicts. Drama is an incredible and powerful tool that tells stories but also help our students experience them in their own flesh.

    We also use drama in our peer mediation training sessions, to make these techniques easier to learn. Some conflicts, based on real experiences, are put on a dramatization and different mediations skills are applied and shared in common talks among the participants. Th video on the right is an example and the one we use in our training sessions.

    But... What's peer mediation?

    In peer mediation, a trained youth acts as neutral mediator helping parties in conflict to understand the root causes of their dispute and to ultimately agree on a plan for resolving the conflict.   Each individual mediation consists of six distinct stages: 

    1. Agree to Mediate 

    2. Storytelling and Gathering Points of View 

    3. Focus on Interests and Needs 

    4. Create Win-Win Solutions 

    5. Evaluate Options 

    6. Create an Agreement

    The implementation of peer-mediation programs in schools and community-based organisations, which empower individuals with values, skills and information to generate alternative solutions to work towards peace-building to avoid, resolve and transform violent and non-violent conflict.

    For more information go to our website: