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From February 2021 to April 2021
SAFETY ON THE INTERNET 9th-28th February
-Dissemination of the principles of positive use of network and technological tools (online webinar for students and parents held by fraud squad at national and/or local level)
- Getting to know the rules to surf internet safely (posters, preparation of reports, handbooks, drawings, games, songs, quiz, memory games)
DIGITAL SCHOOL MAGAZINE 2nd issue “From Emergency to Innovation”
-All the partners will organise a special issue on the topic of pandemic and the experience of Distance Learning (articles writing, drawings, games, songs, quiz, memory games, poems and rhymes)
-Students get an introduction of the concept of Computer Science and its meaning. Learn how to be responsible computer users and understand how the computer works. They receive graph paper or binary strips and binary decoder key. Their task is to code the message about their country and send to their project partners to decode. The accurancy and time of doing this task will be essential. The results of this competition will be shown on digital tools of dissemination of the project.
-Inside the school community (invitation to parents and all the school workers to visit the facebook page, the sites devoted to the project and the eTwinning Twinspace, online webinars)
-Outside the schools community (invitation to parents and all the school workers of other schools belonging to the partners’ territory to visit the facebook page, the sites devoted to the project and the eTwinning Twinspace, online webinars, newspaper articles)
From May 2021 to June 2021
-Inside the school community (invitation to parents and all the school workers to visit the facebook page, the sites devoted to the project and the eTwinning Twinspace, online webinars)
-Outside the schools community (invitation to parents and all the school workers of other schools belonging to the partners’ territory to visit the facebook page, the sites devoted to the project and the eTwinning Twinspace, online webinars, newspaper articles)
-Realization of a Padlet board which will be used to post and summarise the most relevant activities and moments of the project on a common page. It will contain links, videos, images and document files. The link of the “We grow digitally-Padlet Board” will be shown on the Beneficiary Dashboard of the project