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  • On this page present yourself to others:

    Gymnázium sv. Andreja, Ružomberok, Slovakia

    Ján, Gabika, Krištof, Michaela, Tímea, Bruno

    GUESS THIS ELEMENT: I´m a full on heavy metal and I´m not very rare. The world´s eight most abundant, but I react with air. It´s hard to find me separate from some other stuff, but I´m in 2.1% of the Earth´s crust. You can find me in glass and somethimes in soap. When I´m pure, I´m soft but a metal, I hope, discovered in England, in 1807, I´m found in avocado and banana split too.

    SOMETHING ABOUT ME: Hi! I am Gabika, I´m 15 years old and I´m studying at Gymnasium of st. Andrej. My favourite subjects are Biology and Chemistry. I like science and learning interesting things. I swim two times in week, I love swimming. My favourite sports are: tennis, skiiing, running, dancing, cycling. I also like going on walks with my dog in nature. If I´m not outside you will find me reading a good book. :)

    GUESS THE ELEMENT: I am known as Qiucksilver and heavy d-block element, silvery-white metal, liquid at standard conditions and my toxicity could kill you if you don´t know about me. You could find me in the Egypt a 1500 years ago. If you still don´t know just remember your last visit at the dentist because I am also known as amalgan.

    SOMETHING ABOUT ME: Ola! My name is Michaela. I am 16 years old and I am studing at the GSA. I like chemistry, english and biology. I am playing floorball and doing illustrations and PC graphics. I like people and spending time with them, but my cat is definitely my favorite beiing....XD

    I am a member of group 18 (noble gases) elements. My light has many spectral lines, my plasma is useful in bright, high-powered gas lasers. I was discovered in Britain in 1898 by Sir William Ramsay and Morris Travers.

    My name is Krištof. I am 15 years old. I like food, nature, chemistry, maths. In free time I think about the universe and other things in it.

    II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. gen. Gustawa Orlicz-Dreszera w Chełmie, Poland

    II LO CHEŁM TEAM: Jagoda, Milena, Wiktoria C., Wiktoria N., Julia, Karolina, Aleksandra

    My name is Jagoda, I'm really into human biology. Also I absolutly love dancing and singing. My favourite band is One Direction.

    My name is Milena. I’m 17. I am funny, talkative and honest. I’m interested in biology, science, culture and Far East. I like manga, anime, art and trees 😁

    My name is Wiktoria. I’m 16 years old. I am creative, friendly and ambitious. My interests are painting and basketball. I really like watching movies and reading books.

    My name is Wiktoria, I'm 17. I am positive, happy and brave person. I'm interested in music, biology and fashion. I like series, sport and citrus fruits.

    My name is Julia. I’m 16. I am very easygoing and talkative. I am interested in make up and American culture. I love animals, especially dogs.

    My name is Karolina. I’m 17 years old. I’m student of Secondary school. I’m interested in chemistry and Arabic culture. In my free time I read books. In the future, I would be a oncologist.

    Hi, my name is Ola and I'm 17. I'm talktive and funny. Many people say that I'm an optymist. I interested in biology, sport and I'm a huge fan of Marvel's films.