• Typical Neapolitan crib



    It is a typical Neapolitan crib, with the statues of characters just a bit smaller than a man. The characters are all humble people (artisans, street sellers, bakers, fishers, butchers and so on), whereas the locations are their houses and their workshop. Everything is set in the 18th century, the period in which the Neapolitan crib is usually located. This Crib is in the Church of S.Maria della Natività, which is near our school.

  • What are yours Christmas traditions?

    In Greece we decorate christmas tree

    christmas tree, 1rst high school of Markopoulo

    we decorate christmas tree

    In Greece we decorate christmas tree with colorfull balls
    1rst high school of Markopoulo

    Sveti Sava Primary School, Kikinda, Serbia

    On Christmas Day, people in Serbia greet each other with 'Christ is Born,' which is then responded to with 'Truly He is Born'.

    Sveti Sava Primary School, Kikinda, Serbia

    On Christmas Eve, 6 January, groups of children go from house to house of their neighbourhood and chant to their neighbours. They get sweets, apples and walnuts in return.

    Sveti Sava Primary School, Kikinda, Serbia

    On Christmas Eve, there are large bonfires outside churches where oak branches and holly are burnt.

    Sveti Sava Primary School, Kikinda, Serbia

    The first person who comes into the house on Christmas Day is thought to bring good luck.

    Sveti Sava Primary School, Kikinda, Serbia

    At Christmas a special kind of bread is eaten. It's round, with a coin hidden in it. It is believed that whoever gets the coin will be particularly fortunate in the next year!