Evaluations by PARTNERS

  • Evaluation Results of the project will be posted on this page, so you can review the project's effects on teachers.

  • Partners' Thoughts about Project

    Evaluation by Lisboa, Portugal - Ana Rita Costa

    Our work throughout the year

    Hürriyet Primary School Dalaman/Turkey

    This is my first etwinning project I learnt many things from this team.At the beginning of the project,I just knew that I would like to work on the project but no more.But after I watched and followed the activities I understand that etwinning is not only for education but also for the development of many human senses for all of us.During the rpoject my students learnt many things from their peers and got achange to meet new friends from all over the Europe.I was a great change for me to work in this group in my first experinece.I can just say thank you to everybody especially to our project coordinator.Thank you accepring and support us for the project..
    see you in next project..
    sinem Dereli

    Nevzat ÖZdemir / Yazıhüyük Gazi Primary school

    Our project enabled my students to develop empathy towards special children. He noticed many illnesses he didn't realize. In this way, instead of excluding them with different activities, they were given a sense of getting in. I was very happy to be on this project. My students had a lot to gain.

    Evaluations at group


    Evaluations at group


    Evaluations at group


    Evaluations at group


    Evaluations at group


    Evaluations at group


    Evaluations at group


    Evaluations at group


    Şerife Özge YILDIZ / Arkarası Primary Project

    Want to thank all of partners believed in us,me and Lara, and committed their best efforts for this project. We had an amazing work here and I couldnt believe the outcomes we achieved at students. As being a special needs mom also, this project and your disadvantaged children works really touched my heart! I hope that each child in our classes had amazing gains and reflect these at their daily lives. So the world is much better place for me now! Thank you! Loves...

    Berrin BULUT/Şehit Selahattin Şişman İlkokulu

    Thanks to the project, my students and I have had a very good process.Professionally helped me.My students developed a sense of empathy.They learned to be understanding towards disadvantaged children,to be aware of emotions.During the project, our founder Özge Hanım guided us.He briefed on all the project details.We worked in cooperation with our project partners.We loved the emotions module,the card match,our empathy work,the work we conducted at school about bullying.I'm saying We were involved in such a good quality project.I wish he had plenty of quality labels.

    Halime SOYSAL Barbaros Primary School TURKEY

    A project that has a good impact on my students. I am very happy to see the behavior changes in them. Serife Özge & Lara are great founders. I'm happy to be on this project with you.


    With this project, first of all, me and my students learned human values and we realized how easy our lives are. We have seen that we can do something for others. This world is not just ours, so special people deserve the most beautiful place in this world. As a teacher, I learned that I don't know anything. I knew what empathy was, but I wasn't trying to empathize. I learned this through our project. I would like to thank everyone, especially the coordinators. Hope to see you, loves ...

    Olga Ignatenko, Lyman school #4, Ukraine

    I'm thankful to all my partners, our great project team for such an interesting, creative, varied,collaborative but what is more important useful work. All our activities were well planned, organized and directed or managed by our hard-working, talented and responsible founders Ozge and Lara. We felt their support and help every minute.
    Our students were engaged in work actively. It's great to raise the question about inclusion of all types of students in our classes and creating a better learning atmosphere in the classroom.We watched the changes of children's behavior while speaking, doing, painting, watching about children with rare diseases, disadvantaged children.I'm greatful to our kids for their empathy, because it would be impossible to do everything without it.I fully agree that empathy is all we need in today's world and we've done the first step towards it.

    Evaluation by Lara Silvetti

    I am very satisfied and proud of this project.I think it is well structured and that, thanks to the contribution of each of you, it is truly of high quality.Being able to develop empathy in people is something fundamental in our society and, if in our own small way, we managed to get something like this, I think we should be really satisfied,awards and prizes apart. I thank everyone of you with all my heart, especially my dear friend Serife Ozge.